Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

I am toast today. I've got an 11 yr old Maltese dog with Congestive Heart Failure and on Lasix. He wakes me up 3 times a night to go outside along with peeing in the bed. :hmm This has been going on for a week now and I am exhausted. :th I am way to old :old for all this, but I love him so much and will do what ever it takes to keep him happy and comfortable.
I am toast today. I've got an 11 yr old Maltese dog with Congestive Heart Failure and on Lasix. He wakes me up 3 times a night to go outside along with peeing in the bed. :hmm This has been going on for a week now and I am exhausted. :th I am way to old :old for all this, but I love him so much and will do what ever it takes to keep him happy and comfortable.
:hugs You're a good dog mommy.
The trick is to just not buy it to begin with. I have other motivation too though...I was laid off from my job along with a bunch of other folks and my last day is 2/28. If the SHTF I'm not moving or storing all this junk and don't want to be under pressure to get this done if we need to put the house up for sale.
Well, shoot. Sorry to hear that, IM. Have you got another lined up?
I am toast today. I've got an 11 yr old Maltese dog with Congestive Heart Failure and on Lasix. He wakes me up 3 times a night to go outside along with peeing in the bed. :hmm This has been going on for a week now and I am exhausted. :th I am way to old :old for all this, but I love him so much and will do what ever it takes to keep him happy and comfortable.
You are a good Mom for Pup!
The trick is to just not buy it to begin with. I have other motivation too though...I was laid off from my job along with a bunch of other folks and my last day is 2/28. If the SHTF I'm not moving or storing all this junk and don't want to be under pressure to get this done if we need to put the house up for sale.
Are you looking for a new job?
The trick is to just not buy it to begin with. I have other motivation too though...I was laid off from my job along with a bunch of other folks and my last day is 2/28. If the SHTF I'm not moving or storing all this junk and don't want to be under pressure to get this done if we need to put the house up for sale.
Luckily, I'm not a spender and don't care for shopping in any way, shape or form. (Except plants!) Mine is mostly old stuff I've been packing around forever, things still in a box from when I moved 10 yrs ago. For example: I got a ping pong paddle for a going away present when I moved to South Carolina 15 years ago. Don't ask me why, I never really played ping pong :confused: But I still have it... Still in it's package...
I am toast today. I've got an 11 yr old Maltese dog with Congestive Heart Failure and on Lasix. He wakes me up 3 times a night to go outside along with peeing in the bed. :hmm This has been going on for a week now and I am exhausted. :th I am way to old :old for all this, but I love him so much and will do what ever it takes to keep him happy and comfortable.
Awe, it's awful when they get old. I wish their old was our old. Poor little fella.

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