Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Hi everyone, mind if I pop in the back door and join y'all for a cup of something? Little late in the day for coffee for me, unless decaf and frankly I'm not that desperate, But a glass of ice tea or a cup of hot chocolate sounds pretty darn tempting right now.

@CapricornFarm, I have caught the coop building bug. (Much preferable to the Coronavirus) Don't know how I am going to break the news to DH but I have a plan spinning around in my head that has to do with enlarging my little prefab grow out coop that I got for Christmas two years ago. Time to put my table saw to use!
Ooh, sounds fun! Keep me posted.
Hi everyone, mind if I pop in the back door and join y'all for a cup of something? Little late in the day for coffee for me, unless decaf and frankly I'm not that desperate, But a glass of ice tea or a cup of hot chocolate sounds pretty darn tempting right now.

@CapricornFarm, I have caught the coop building bug. (Much preferable to the Coronavirus) Don't know how I am going to break the news to DH but I have a plan spinning around in my head that has to do with enlarging my little prefab grow out coop that I got for Christmas two years ago. Time to put my table saw to use!
Happy to have you here!
Will do, Cap. Not quite sure what the plan is yet. The little prefab houses one broody and her chicks very well or a half dozen chicks once they outgrow their indoor brooder. I'm thinking about raising it off the ground though and putting it up with a floor under it somehow, then expanding it by adding more fence panels and shelters. I'm getting tired of having to fight coccidia every summer in my young birds from the wet ground...which doesn't seem to dry out here until August.

Thanks for the welcome everyone.
Will do, Cap. Not quite sure what the plan is yet. The little prefab houses one broody and her chicks very well or a half dozen chicks once they outgrow their indoor brooder. I'm thinking about raising it off the ground though and putting it up with a floor under it somehow, then expanding it by adding more fence panels and shelters. I'm getting tired of having to fight coccidia every summer in my young birds from the wet ground...which doesn't seem to dry out here until August.

Thanks for the welcome everyone.
I need to set up some broody areas, and grow out areas. I am considering getting rid of the turkeys.
Okay...that's where I was a few weeks ago, but now they are just too hormonal, clumsy and inadvertently aggressive. I don't think they mean to be, they just don't understand their role yet. I'll be interested to know how yours work out.
And I'll be interested to hear your results as well! Are your boys the same age?
Hi everyone, mind if I pop in the back door and join y'all for a cup of something? Little late in the day for coffee for me, unless decaf and frankly I'm not that desperate, But a glass of ice tea or a cup of hot chocolate sounds pretty darn tempting right now.

@CapricornFarm, I have caught the coop building bug. (Much preferable to the Coronavirus) Don't know how I am going to break the news to DH but I have a plan spinning around in my head that has to do with enlarging my little prefab grow out coop that I got for Christmas two years ago. Time to put my table saw to use!
Come on in, there's always something available.
And I'll be interested to hear your results as well! Are your boys the same age?
They are. One is only a week older than the other, but it has put him on the top from the beginning. Everything is peaceful here now, but those boys are sure longing to be with the girls. I need the pullets to lay, and the girls to show a little interest first.
Hi everyone, mind if I pop in the back door and join y'all for a cup of something? Little late in the day for coffee for me, unless decaf and frankly I'm not that desperate, But a glass of ice tea or a cup of hot chocolate sounds pretty darn tempting right now.

@CapricornFarm, I have caught the coop building bug. (Much preferable to the Coronavirus) Don't know how I am going to break the news to DH but I have a plan spinning around in my head that has to do with enlarging my little prefab grow out coop that I got for Christmas two years ago. Time to put my table saw to use!
Never too late to pop in! We have hot chocolate, regular and mint. Actually I think there might be some marshmallows too.

It's dinnertime here. Healthy casserole coming out of the oven right now. Who ever heard of that? It's really good too!

Time to serve it up! Anyone for a late dinner?
Dig in if you’re hungry.
That looks delicious! What is in it? I see broccoli and maybe chicken and sunflower seeds?

My young roosters are amusing themselves by breaking off one another's tail feathers. Silly little goofs look so bizarre with bob tails. I hatched 4 SDW cockerels this past summer They are cute as cute can be and would be gorgeous if they would just let their tails grow out.

One of the littler of the 4 killed himself a baby mouse tonight! I was so proud of him. I'm sure the mouse wasn't thrilled but after dispatching it, he gave it to one of the Fayoumi hens.

Hope blooms eternal.

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