Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Hey made it back in one piece.. I had a couple mandren oranges sitting here
snack anyways have not even been to clean coops bought a couple 40 rugs at wally
so moved the one by my bed putting the new one there moved the old one to the otherside
sitting now but need to go clean :rantbut will go to dinner in a few hours did do subway for lunch
I wish our young cattle dogs would love our cats. Ain't gonna happen. But then I blame the Amish people for the 'eat the kitty' behavior that was set in them by feeding them small game and kid goats when they were just 3 months old or younger. No joke. Those who have been on the Old Folks Home thread know the story.

After two cats being injured we gave up trying to break that behavior and now keep them separated. Unfortunately our cats are just complete idiots, tho. The cattle dogs are in their outside fenced in back yard with a doggy door in my utility room and a see through barricade separating the utility room from the kitchen when they aren't in the house with us. When they are in the house, the cats are upstairs.

Stupid stupid stupid cats will see how close they can get to the young dogs before the dogs go completely psycho. It's like they have death wishes.

Only one of our 7 dogs loves cats and she has a little grey kitty that is her soul mate. So much fun to watch them together. Our first cattle dog loved cats. He would play and wrestle with our biggest 19 pound tom cat. Sure do miss that dog.
That is a horrific practice.
I got that. I'm glad you shared it. I'm just pretty wimpy about knowing how cruel we humans are. It gives me nightmares, literally. Can't get stuff out of my head. So, yes, I guess I'm a little crazy that way. :oops:
I can see that they can be dangerous. Especially when they are scared or feel threatened. I just always wanted one, and I guess I think because I would take such great care of them they would love me. :lol:
I agree!
I want mini-cows. Neighbors have Dexters. They are about half the size of a standard cow. I think I read that they have mini dairy cows also.

I got an email from a friend of ours this morning. His goat had triplets. So freakin adorable! DH said if I didn't have chickens I could have goats.....Okay, with my health problems I can see his point. I don't need more animals to take care of. But they are just soooooo cute and tiny.
That is a horrific practice.
Missouri has legislature to clamp down on the puppy mills. We talked to a friend who has a daughter who works for the task force that keeps an eye on the dog breeders. Unfortunately we were told that they are only clamping down on the big time indiscriminate breeders and puppy farms.

Meantime, the Amish breed and breed and breed more puppies and then don't take care of them.

Nothing more than another form of livestock to them.

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