Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

I am on a Wellbutrin added to my regular meds. It helps me sleep less. I feel less gloomy. But not energetic. Maybe when I see the Dr. again he will up my dose.

I am taking Sertraline for my depression. It really works and as I need it the doctor will up the dosage. I know how you feel. I'm here if you need anything.
I am taking Sertraline for my depression. It really works and as I need it the doctor will up the dosage. I know how you feel. I'm here if you need anything.
Thanks! I have been on the highest dosage for decades. So the addition of the other med is welcome.
It makes a full 9x13 pan. Unless you're having company, I'd cut the recipe in half. Even for the two of us, it was dinner last night, lunch today, and half of it frozen for dinner another time. I always forget how much it makes!

You could make the entire recipe an split it among three dishes. Freeze two and cook one. Sounds wonderful.

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