Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good morning everyone. I brought bacon and eggs for lunch. Have at it!
thanks cap, but i already have our dinner (lunch) just about ready, have collard greens cooked, have a big salad and a hobo meal in the oven since i only cook once a day now, our dinner is the one and only, if husband get hungry at supper, he will either make himself a sandwich or eat left overs(tell me i don't have him trained :lau :lau )
thanks cap, but i already have our dinner (lunch) just about ready, have collard greens cooked, have a big salad and a hobo meal in the oven since i only cook once a day now, our dinner is the one and only, if husband get hungry at supper, he will either make himself a sandwich or eat left overs(tell me i don't have him trained :lau :lau )
My DH retires next month and I have been thinking of doing the same thing. Although I'll make lunch and dinner, I want to make lunch the big meal and dinner something a lot lighter. I think that would be a healthier way to eat.
thanks cap, but i already have our dinner (lunch) just about ready, have collard greens cooked, have a big salad and a hobo meal in the oven since i only cook once a day now, our dinner is the one and only, if husband get hungry at supper, he will either make himself a sandwich or eat left overs(tell me i don't have him trained :lau :lau )
My hubby cooks our evening meal, and buys the groceries!
Good morning everyone. I brought bacon and eggs for lunch. Have at it!

I would love some bacon and eggs with another cup of tea!


After reading about your disorder, I had to get my Taber's and read about it. In my 49 years of nursing I had never heard of this syndrome. It seems to be a very interesting syndrome. There is not a lot about it in my medical book.

My thoughts for you are as follows (please tell me to but out if you want to):

1. You need to find some way to shut your brain down for a while each day, for example: go sit in the run with your chickens and just watch them and don't think about needing to be working in the run or coop...
2. I would like to get hold of your psychologist and rip him a new one. They of all people know what it's like to have these feelings.
3. Please if you do nothing else get yourself a new psychiatrist, psychologist, a licensed social worker, or some one who knows what they are doing.
4. Talk with your family physician about a referral to a person who will take your insurance and you as a patient. This is the way to get around them not accepting any new patients.
5. As to your friend who did not express any pain related to losing you. It might be that she/he was not able to as it is too painful for she/he. Just remember the good things about she/he and don't dwell on what could have been.
6. Please don't be hitting your head against any thing. This could cause you to have some severe mental problems, use a pillow instead.
7. Each day before going to bed make a list of things you like to do. This is not a to-do list. This should be used as something to help develop a good mood. Make lists of pros and cons about you. Put the pros on the refrigerator or the mirror in the bathroom or bedroom. Keep the list of cons on your desk and check it daily to see if you are able to remove one. Only deal with one at a time and don't leave it till it is gone.
8. We can all be sensitive, intense, turbulent, and have tangibles (ie: see, hear, feel taste) along with mental and emotional feelings. These are part of our makeup and usually do not or can not change them. They are just ours. Feel good about these feelings, I would rather be like this than be a rude, crude, mean, and distasteful person.
9. You could self score yourself and have a person that will be an observation scorer. You need to compare the scores daily to see if things are changing.
10. In moving back in with your dad, don't take on too much in the beginning as the move will be enough to start with.

Well I feel that I covered everything I wanted to voice to you. These are well meant ideas. If you want we can talk anytime.

My DH retires next month and I have been thinking of doing the same thing. Although I'll make lunch and dinner, I want to make lunch the big meal and dinner something a lot lighter. I think that would be a healthier way to eat.
i think so too valerie if i decide i want something, its usually a few pecans, i hate having to get up to drink baking soda water cause whatever gave me heartburn, so just dinner for us i don't eat breakfast very often either, its heck getting old

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