Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

I too lost a child at 2 years. I carried on as you have to with 2 other children a new baby and a 4 year old. Eventually things caught up with me and went into depression. Husband was at a loss at how to hope with me, children, job and keeping it all together. We lived away from family and I was no help. Slowly I started to take notice, just a little at at a time. Our home was a dirty tip but I read somewhere to keep it slow but steady. I cleaned one work surface in the kitchen, next day I worked on another area then slowly I got control of the house looking after the children and my life came back together.
I feel for anyone who has had depression. People don't understand if they have not had to experience it.
I go with the flow these days. As long as I don't hurt anyone else I do what I want when I want.
Keeping my rescue chickens and adding a couple more gives me so much pleasure. Life can change so much by doing little things that we like to do or enjoy.
I think I wrote the book on depression and have probably talked about it on many of the threads over the years. Once you open up about it, you find more and more folks who have it or have experienced in in the past.

I've gotten off my med(after too many years of use) and don't miss it. But then winter never did depress me. Everyone around here is miserable during the winter, so it's all good. It's summer when everyone is having all the fun of a Coke commercial, that I used to get down.
Even though they were mostly doing things that didn't interest me.

Well I've gotta go, see it is 5:15 am and have to be up in less than 3 hrs. for the bus - unless the dispatcher cancels it again.
So sorry to hear of your loss. I suffered 2 miscarriages, and that was bad enough. Yes, depression has been my constant companion for decades. I just do the best I can. :hugs
I lost two boys at birth and then had a girl who made it home. You are right if you have not had depression you do not understand what a person is going through.
Good afternoon Everybody! I brewed a fresh pot of coffee and put the water on. We also have ice tea, peach and black, and some sodas in the frig. I put out some cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches on the counter.

The sun was out again today!!! I've been stuck in this house too long! Two days of sunshine sure does cheer a girl up!!! Been hauling water to the 50 gallon tank out in the chicken shed. It's about a 250', so that was some work, and I'm exhausted. I have it over half full and will try to get some more in tomorrow. Took some time to sit with the chickens, a well deserved break.

So, just came in for a cup of coffee before I start dinner and wow, the place is empty! The Cafe must have gotten the gnat problem taken care of . :lol:
Good afternoon Everybody! I brewed a fresh pot of coffee and put the water on. We also have ice tea, peach and black, and some sodas in the frig. I put out some cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches on the counter.

The sun was out again today!!! I've been stuck in this house too long! Two days of sunshine sure does cheer a girl up!!! Been hauling water to the 50 gallon tank out in the chicken shed. It's about a 250', so that was some work, and I'm exhausted. I have it over half full and will try to get some more in tomorrow. Took some time to sit with the chickens, a well deserved break.

So, just came in for a cup of coffee before I start dinner and wow, the place is empty! The Cafe must have gotten the gnat problem taken care of . :lol:
those cucumber sandwiches sound heavenly:drool
Good afternoon Everybody! I brewed a fresh pot of coffee and put the water on. We also have ice tea, peach and black, and some sodas in the frig. I put out some cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches on the counter.

The sun was out again today!!! I've been stuck in this house too long! Two days of sunshine sure does cheer a girl up!!! Been hauling water to the 50 gallon tank out in the chicken shed. It's about a 250', so that was some work, and I'm exhausted. I have it over half full and will try to get some more in tomorrow. Took some time to sit with the chickens, a well deserved break.

So, just came in for a cup of coffee before I start dinner and wow, the place is empty! The Cafe must have gotten the gnat problem taken care of . :lol:
Thanks for the coffee!

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