Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

There are pods with a growing medium, but primarily it's water with food. The one I got is made by miracle ground.
I have a few of these (Miracle Grows) that I received as gifts. Some things work better in them than others. Thai basil grows the best by far. Regular basil, not bad, but doesn't taste nearly as good as what's grown in season outside (if you're lucky enough to be able to grow it outside).
Even though it says 6 cell, don't fill them all up, the plants crowd one another out.
They have a tomato kit, yes it works, but I would not grow tomato plants in there long term. What I use it for is to make enough material for cuttings to start plants outside faster.
I've always used tap water.
Reasons why it might not be working:
Sometimes the seed packages are old and that's why they don't germinate. But sometimes, some cells just don't work. You can add your own seeds to the growing sponge and try out different things.

After having them for a while I don't know if I'd recommend them or not. It's a fun thing to try but I think doing grow lights and your own seed trays is much more fun to do.


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I just got myself some really pretty mugs on Amazon. :D probably went a little crazy but they had so many cool colors :lau 🙈 got a new phone case too since mine is nasty and also starting to break haha
Do the mugs have chickens on them?

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