Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

I know I'd never own one again.
The first time my house flooded it filled the basement and came halfway up the floor joists. Took out the electric panel, furnace, water heater and washer and dryer.
The second time it flooded the water came up a foot into the main floor, single level ranch, and basically took out everything.
The second time it flooded it was under contract to sell and we were due to close in 10 days. Needless to say, the buyer walked and I was stuck with a totalled house.
That is not good!
Good morning. Another drippy day. So I am going shopping. Hubby got the groceries this morning, and picked up my Rxs. They forgot to fill one of my meds. What a pain.
I filled an incubator last night! And I have a tray of jiffy pods ready for seeds. Spring is getting here!
I need to get a garden spot going for this year.
OMG 100!? 200!? I thought I had a lot! :eek: :th

I was worried I was getting a bit hoarderish :lau

I went back and got 2 more plus 2 of the lead straining ones then they had a dog oven mitt set and well.... also got a nice solid blue set of a different kind that has more in it haha
I always say there's nothing like visiting a kitchen shop (or department) to cure what ails you! :D

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