Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Hi all!

It's been a while. I hope that everyone is doing well!

since the current topic is weather.... it's been an amazing winter here. 1.5 weeks of -40c, but other than that it's been hovering around 0c. About a normal amount of snow. This weekend is supposed to drop to around -15c, but only for a few days. I've only had to deal with frozen eggs once so far.
Hi all!

It's been a while. I hope that everyone is doing well!

since the current topic is weather.... it's been an amazing winter here. 1.5 weeks of -40c, but other than that it's been hovering around 0c. About a normal amount of snow. This weekend is supposed to drop to around -15c, but only for a few days. I've only had to deal with frozen eggs once so far.

That's pretty good you haven't had more frozen eggs than that Michelle! :thumbsup
Morning everyone yup uncovered the brussle sprouts yesterday :he
It should turn to rain soon but still coming down white

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