Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

I do have games, books and of course a boob tube. :lol:

I'm going to have to find some forget me nots for my garden. So cute!
Yeah that boob's pretty awful lol.
Very pretty, IM. I planted Forget Me Nots this year and hope they grow like yours!
Thanks Riv! Did yours seem to take forever to sprout? Mine did but I'm wondering if it's because they're in shade.
Good morning everyone! :frow

Thanks for the coffee, IM

Val, thinking of you and sending prayers for a speedy recovery. :hugs

Make it a great day! :celebrate
Wow! Hope you and the chickens are staying cool. I couldn't imagine temps that warm in June!
I don't have chickens, just expensive lawn ornaments! :lau yep, got to 101°F yesterday, heat index at 109°F :th
A little front is pushing through this morning...nice and cool 73°F and low humidity. :D

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