Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good morning, Early Birds! Coffee’s on!
The soil is all sand, water runs right through.

That's right Cap. Our little place in north FL was almost nothing but sand. We had to dump several trucks of cow manure and dirt to have a garden.

You all can get an idea of what our "dirt" looked like in this picture.

The flock loved to dust bathe in it :lol:

Sure was easy digging though. We called our place The Sandbox.
That's right Cap. Our little place in north FL was almost nothing but sand. We had to dump several trucks of cow manure and dirt to have a garden.

You all can get an idea of what our "dirt" looked like in this picture.
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The flock loved to dust bathe in it :lol:

Sure was easy digging though. We called our place The Sandbox.

That's a good name for it!
Good morning everyone ! Thanks for the coffee!!!

We lived in Mandarin, FL for 3 years. Everything grew there, although I didn't have a veggie garden at the time. Every day around 4pm we would have a few showers for about 20 minutes. It was perfect weather and soil for the flower gardens. Perhaps it was because we were in an established neighborhood and the soil had been brought in. Not sure. But, I agree it did get very hot and humid.
Good morning folks, no coffee for me just like to see folks and what they are doing. :frow
Heading off soon for Wally World and $ Tree and eventually lunch (Arby's) Forgive me for showing off - this passes for wild activity out here.

You have more wild activity than we do Arby's and our Dollar Tree went broke.

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