Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Dr. put me on Lipitor about 10 or more years ago because my chloresterol was high. It brought it down to normal right away. Just a tiny pill. I don't eat the junk food like I used to. But I guess once your start the Lipitor, you aren't supposed to stop it. Pill is so tiny, I've lost it several times - usually find it days later on the floor. No way am I taking anything that falls on the floor.
My husband has had three strokes and that is why his physician wanted to do the Watchman.

Hopefully this will keep him from having a fourth stroke that will probably inactivate or cause his death.
Of course. It's the right thing to do. Probably for my DH too, but he will have to have a stroke I suppose to be convinced. Praying your hubby never has another one!!! 🙏

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