Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Morning everyone. Rise and....well try to look alive.

Coffee thought of the day:

@CapricornFarm. Your ceramics are amazing. used to work with ceramics (mold poured) and some porcelains so I know the work that goes into it. Never delved into free form but would love to. A kiln isn't in the budget right now though and finding somebody around here to fire is like hearing the mission impossible theme playing over and over in your head.

A lady I knew a few years back had to go into a nursing home and they auctioned everything she of the items being a beautiful BIG kiln. Found out after the fact and was not a happy camper. I probably could have picked it up for a 100$ if that much.

But I've watched your talent grow as you gain experience and most of all can read the joy it brings you in your posts. So very happy for you!
Morning everyone. Rise and....well try to look alive.

Coffee thought of the day:

@CapricornFarm. Your ceramics are amazing. used to work with ceramics (mold poured) and some porcelains so I know the work that goes into it. Never delved into free form but would love to. A kiln isn't in the budget right now though and finding somebody around here to fire is like hearing the mission impossible theme playing over and over in your head.

A lady I knew a few years back had to go into a nursing home and they auctioned everything she of the items being a beautiful BIG kiln. Found out after the fact and was not a happy camper. I probably could have picked it up for a 100$ if that much.

But I've watched your talent grow as you gain experience and most of all can read the joy it brings you in your posts. So very happy for you!

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