Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

We get about 50" in a year, which is a lot. We will have showers nearly every day from October though May. They won't last all day though, so there is plenty of time to get out and take care of the chickens, etc. We have a saying, "It's Washington. It rains here." :lau

But I have enjoyed an unseasonably warm and sunny summer and I'm going to miss it. I spent a lot of time on the deck watching the birds and people on the river. Summer will come again.

And we are still harvesting tomatoes and zucchini. That should slow down now.

BTW, I watch a ministry from Hawaii every week. Always nice weather there. No question about that. It's a beautiful place. Kauai was exceptional. But I was there nearly 50 years ago.
Ive never been to Washington state. Would love to see it or camp via motorcycle... during the summer. That is a lovely amount of rain you have.

We get an average of 20" and I love every inch. Having T-shirt weather helps, a lot.

Kauai, 50 years ago, was much different than the Kauai today. My first landing on Kauai was 1980 and it was beautifully quiet. Today, we have lots of cars and traffic on our 1 lane, 1 hwy. Almost all 1 person, big trucks and jeeps 🙄🙄🙄 The things we do to ourselves.
And we do not have sugarcane waving in the wind anymore A big loss, losing all things plantation.
Ive never been to Washington state. Would love to see it or camp via motorcycle... during the summer. That is a lovely amount of rain you have.

We get an average of 20" and I love every inch. Having T-shirt weather helps, a lot.

Kauai, 50 years ago, was much different than the Kauai today. My first landing on Kauai was 1980 and it was beautifully quiet. Today, we have lots of cars and traffic on our 1 lane, 1 hwy. Almost all 1 person, big trucks and jeeps 🙄🙄🙄 The things we do to ourselves.
And we do not have sugarcane waving in the wind anymore A big loss, losing all things plantation.
You’re right. In 1975 it was a peaceful retreat. I think there was one hotel, The Palms, or something like that. I didn’t stay there. Was visiting someone.

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