Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good morning! I made the coffee this morning. Enjoy!

Not buying plants this weekend. We looked at the weather report for the rest of the month and we have a lot of freezing weather still to come. This must be a false sense of spring happening at the moment. Too bad. I was excited. So ready for spring.

Gives us time to get some compost worked into the soil. Probably need to do that anyway.
Good morning! Welcome! You have a choice of coffees this morning and there is always tea available. Come on in and sit a spell.

What brings you in to the Cup o Joe?
Thanks! I might have some tea or maybe some coffee seeing as it seems there’s an excess of that today? I don’t normally like coffee very much but I’m sure this coffee is good coffee!!!

And well, I’ve seen this place around on the feed before but I don’t think I’ve ever popped in before or if I have it’s been a long time and it seemed like a cool place so I figured I would!
Karen keeps us supplied with whatever tea you might desire. The coffee is always good here. And the conversation easy. Whatever you like to talk about
Do you have salted caramel black tea? That stuff is delicious! LOL if not I’ll just have regular plain old tea lol or maybe coffee. I need the extra caffeine today. 🤣 and I like to talk about pretty much anything! Thanks!
Salted caramel black tea sounds delicious! I'll have a cup of that with you! I'm not sure there is a better flavor on the earth than salted caramel anything.

Well, I'm trying to push winter away ang move on into spring. The weather is not cooperating.
It is definitely delicious! It’s one of my favorite flavors. Not just in tea lol you are right about it being the best!

And same here. It was so rainy and cold for days on end but we’re FINALLY getting some sun today lol I don’t know what to do with it :lau

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