Curious if anyone has an idea who laid this 🥚


Dec 19, 2023
So excited for my first post here!
Lol SO, our hens have just started laying and we're trying to figure out who is laying what still (except our WTB, who is easy).
Today I found this really nice speckled egg (sadly cracked, our dog will be happy to eat it with dinner though).
I know speckled eggs indicate a Welsummer, BUT
  1. I found it, very warm, in a nesting box our Brahma and Barred Rock were both sitting in (🤦🏼‍♀️)
  2. I heard the egg song walking out to the coop and the Brahma had her butt right over the wooden edge of the nesting box (maybe she had just laid it where she was standing, and that's why it cracked?) (also this is why we don't share a nesting box!!)
  3. I think our Welsummer might already be laying a darker reddish brown egg, with some (but way less pronounced than this one) speckling.
So I dunno! I think it's the Brahma from the circumstantial evidence in this investigation hahaha, but I didn't think they laid speckled eggs. Curious if anyone's had an egg like this from their Brahma or BR, or if y'all think those two were just hanging out in the box with what is definitely a fresh Welsummer egg 😂

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