-Cursed Waters: A Dragon RP, The Story-

[Part 15]
“YOU KILLED HER!” Basalt roared viciously, whirling on Apollyon.

The large red dragon took a single step back as the furious Solosis seethed in his face, eyes glowing dangerously. “The strain from the fighting and her constant struggling has worn her out!” Apollyon said, trying to keep his voice calm. “The cure will help her. She just needs time to rest.” Basalt hissed dangerously. “If she doesn’t wake up,” He snarled. “I’ll kill you.” Apollyon narrowed his eyes. “As much as I’d LOVE to see you attempt that, she’s going to wake up. You have my word.
The two glared at each other, but before another fight could enissue, both noticed a young Aquation approach from beside Monarche Vixen. The latter turned her head in surprise.
Tide’s stomach was whirling nervously, but she somehow managed to find the courage to speak to the leaders of Draconat; “I- my- my adoptive mother has a clinic not far from here.” She said softly, pointing down the east beach. “You could bring Monarche Current there. If- if you want.” She clenched her claws nervously.
Vixen blinked a couple of times. “Can you vouch, Monarche Storm? Should we bring her there?” She looked around at the congregation. “We can move the.. meeting. There.”
The Aerattl monarche nodded. “It’s Starshine isn’t it?” Tide’s nod confirmed her suspicions. “Starshine is pretty renowned here. She’s very good at what she does. We can move there.” Basalt mentioned to two of his Royal Guard to gather up the unconscious sea dragon laying in the mess of sand and dirt she had stirred up, and the group followed Tide down the shore.

Kallitrax flew in the middle of the group, holding up his end of the Aquation monarche as a fellow guard named Accel held up his.
He looked over his shoulder to see the large red Enfernae looming up behind Monarche Basalt and shivered with apprehension. That dragon was going to cause some damage if he began a war.
The Enfernae, Solosis, and Aerattl landed on the beach in front of a cozy-looking clinic, and Current was taken inside and laid down on a readied cot. Whisp and Tide stood nearby while Starshine got to work. Tide couldn’t help but stare at the dragon in front of her. A real Aquation! Her mind kept yelping with joy.
“Monarche Current!” Whisp said, still not believing what he was seeing. “And you’re sure she’s not sick Tide?” The young Imago shook her head briskly. “No! Well, I’m pretty sure no. The stuff that Apollyon dragon poured in the water cleared the ocean.” Whisp shook his head. “I’m going to have to see it to believe it. I’ve never seen what the ocean looks like without the Virus in the water.” The emerald green floated towards the open clinic door, Tide scrambling behind him. There was silence for a moment, and she looked up at her brother’s golden face to see his eyes wide with shock. “It’s- it’s blue.” He whispered. Tide could barely contain her grin. “Blue. Not grayish or or that weird green-black sludge. BLUE Whisp!” Her talons shook with happiness as a large grin of joy broke over Whisp’s face. “It’s amazing.” He said, staring.
Starshine sighed behind them. “She’s going to be okay.” She said, drawing their attention back to the task at talon. “She passed out with stress and malnutrition, but I can get her back on her feet.”

[To quote]
Current lay limp in the cot. She had a slight sense of where she was, but her mind hadn’t come back to focus yet. So she lay unmoving. Her mind, once only thinking of senseless, angry things, was now- clear.
Her mind was empty enough that her normal thoughts could return, and she started to flicker back through memories..
Being monarche.
Noticing the strange change in water as she swam to a guard post, coming back to find her nest empty- a strong current having swept her only egg away.
The despair.
Her soldiers falling away by the hundreds as more and more went insane and started attacking each other.
The deaths.
Her own mate attacking her and fleeing to the furthest parts of the ocean.
Her own angry thoughts and worries taking hold of her mind and driving her mad.
Her own talons attacking her remaining sane soldiers..

and killing them.

[Part 16]
“Do you really think this Apollyon character is who he says he is?” Kallitrax and Accel walked out of the clinic after delivering Current to the nurse Starshine; they watched as the monarches went indoors to talk.
“I’m not sure.” Kallitrax responded. He felt the scales on the back of his neck prickle, as though someone were watching him. The red dragon had something off about his calm demeanor, as though an underlying evil hid under his pleasant personality. Apollyon had seemed ambitious. Kallitrax didn’t think he’d settle for just being monarche, as high up of a position as it was.
“He did just invade and take over Enfernae without much reason other than to rule it.” The Solosis observed.
“The waters did clear up though.” Accel said. The sand under him made a scraping sound as he sat down to wait; Kallitrax followed suit. “Odd that he used his blood.” “I agree. I mean, what’s so special about his blood? It doesn’t make any sense..” Accel looked towards the ocean. “Definitely weird. I also find it weird that he has so many clones of one dragon.”
*Clones! So that’s what they are.* Kallitrax thought, realizing the idea made sense. *That’s why they look so similar, because they’re identical.*
“Well hopefully he’ll show us how to make the cure, however he does it. So many Aquations need it, and hopefully Monarche Current is just the first of many.”

“So you’ve supposedly cured the ocean and supposedly cured Current.” The Solosis monarche hissed. “What is it you really want? Why did you take over Enfernae?”
Storm sat half-floating next to Vixen, watching Basalt snap at the red Enfernae in from of them. Current lay curled up in a round cot on the other side of Vixen, breathing evenly now.
“I am unifying the land of Draconat under one banner.” Apollyon said grandly. “Enfernae has already joined me in this effort and I want Aerattl, Solosis, and Aquation to as well. One continent, one tribe, one history, one culture, one in shared hopes, dreams, one future.
One Nation.”
Storm stared at the Enfernae in shock. “Aerattl are freedom lovers at heart.” She said passionately. “The skies are our home, and the open air is our friend. Try and restrict our beliefs or control us in any needless way, and we will push back. If you wanted us to follow you, you’d have to prove to us that you can be a respectable leader.”
“Then the Aerattl are selfish.” Apollyon growled. “They would rather break contact from all civilization and go float up in the clouds somewhere for the rest of their life rather than be a good neighbor and come together to help others reach a common goal and shared interests. What you decide is not under my control. But..” Apollyon paused, insinuating a warning. “The consequences of THAT decision will most certainly cost you.” His tone grew darker, and he didn’t break the eye contact between them.

“WE AREN’T ENFERNAE!” A loud voice roared angrily.
Storm grimaced. Basalt was having none of it.
“Who do you think you are? You can’t rule dragons you don’t understand! You can’t catch a bird and keep it grounded all its life, or a fish above water, or a mole aboveground! And the Enfernae didn’t join you. Look at Monarche Vixen!” He gestured to the startled six-legged dragoness, refusing to call Apollyon monarche. “She didn’t consent to this, you overran her kingdom! She had no choice to surrender or else you would’ve killed everyone!” Basalt set his jaw and stepped back from the warlord. “Solosis will NOT join you. And we are willing to lend soldiers to Aerattl and Aquation if they wish to fight this.. creature.”

Apollyon hissed malevolently. “And what in the name of Igneous made you think I would tolerate a thing like THAT? The Aerattl can fly, the Aquations can swim, and the SLUGS can dig.” He said, narrowing his eyes at Basalt. “You are foolish, brash, and impulsive. I could have destroyed every palace guard, every soldier, every last servant and advisor. Did I? No! I do not want to destroy Enfernae, or any other of these primitive tribes. Vixen caught a glimpse of a good future and she did the right thing. If she hadn’t, things would’ve been more.. difficult.. for everybody.”
Basalt took a step forward threateningly. “But you see?” He said, cocking his head mockingly. “The Aquations are underwater, the Solosis are underground, and the Aerattl are high in the sky where no other dragon can reach without aid. We are are safely protected from evil threats, UNITED.” His muscles bunched and his claws gripped the ground angrily but he sat back, restraining himself. He subconsciously glanced back at Ace make sure he wasn’t scared.

Vixen looked away. She was grateful for Basalt’s outburst, in a way, because she knew someone had to speak up. She also appreciated him saying that she was monarche, but she knew she didn’t deserve to be one anymore. She had given up on her tribe, and failed them as leader. Surely anyone, even Apollyon, could do a better job than she had.

Kallitrax barred his teeth at the thick oak door. Slugs..? SLUGS..?? The Royal Solosis Guard flared as he listened in on the monarche’s conversation. How dare Apollyon say such things? Solosis was far more powerful then this rebel Enfernae, and always would be. Clone army or no. Kallitrax knew he would die fighting for his tribe, no matter the forces at talon.
[Part 16]
“Do you really think this Apollyon character is who he says he is?” Kallitrax and Accel walked out of the clinic after delivering Current to the nurse Starshine; they watched as the monarches went indoors to talk.
“I’m not sure.” Kallitrax responded. He felt the scales on the back of his neck prickle, as though someone were watching him. The red dragon had something off about his calm demeanor, as though an underlying evil hid under his pleasant personality. Apollyon had seemed ambitious. Kallitrax didn’t think he’d settle for just being monarche, as high up of a position as it was.
“He did just invade and take over Enfernae without much reason other than to rule it.” The Solosis observed.
“The waters did clear up though.” Accel said. The sand under him made a scraping sound as he sat down to wait; Kallitrax followed suit. “Odd that he used his blood.” “I agree. I mean, what’s so special about his blood? It doesn’t make any sense..” Accel looked towards the ocean. “Definitely weird. I also find it weird that he has so many clones of one dragon.”
*Clones! So that’s what they are.* Kallitrax thought, realizing the idea made sense. *That’s why they look so similar, because they’re identical.*
“Well hopefully he’ll show us how to make the cure, however he does it. So many Aquations need it, and hopefully Monarche Current is just the first of many.”

“So you’ve supposedly cured the ocean and supposedly cured Current.” The Solosis monarche hissed. “What is it you really want? Why did you take over Enfernae?”
Storm sat half-floating next to Vixen, watching Basalt snap at the red Enfernae in from of them. Current lay curled up in a round cot on the other side of Vixen, breathing evenly now.
“I am unifying the land of Draconat under one banner.” Apollyon said grandly. “Enfernae has already joined me in this effort and I want Aerattl, Solosis, and Aquation to as well. One continent, one tribe, one history, one culture, one in shared hopes, dreams, one future.
One Nation.”
Storm stared at the Enfernae in shock. “Aerattl are freedom lovers at heart.” She said passionately. “The skies are our home, and the open air is our friend. Try and restrict our beliefs or control us in any needless way, and we will push back. If you wanted us to follow you, you’d have to prove to us that you can be a respectable leader.”
“Then the Aerattl are selfish.” Apollyon growled. “They would rather break contact from all civilization and go float up in the clouds somewhere for the rest of their life rather than be a good neighbor and come together to help others reach a common goal and shared interests. What you decide is not under my control. But..” Apollyon paused, insinuating a warning. “The consequences of THAT decision will most certainly cost you.” His tone grew darker, and he didn’t break the eye contact between them.

“WE AREN’T ENFERNAE!” A loud voice roared angrily.
Storm grimaced. Basalt was having none of it.
“Who do you think you are? You can’t rule dragons you don’t understand! You can’t catch a bird and keep it grounded all its life, or a fish above water, or a mole aboveground! And the Enfernae didn’t join you. Look at Monarche Vixen!” He gestured to the startled six-legged dragoness, refusing to call Apollyon monarche. “She didn’t consent to this, you overran her kingdom! She had no choice to surrender or else you would’ve killed everyone!” Basalt set his jaw and stepped back from the warlord. “Solosis will NOT join you. And we are willing to lend soldiers to Aerattl and Aquation if they wish to fight this.. creature.”

Apollyon hissed malevolently. “And what in the name of Igneous made you think I would tolerate a thing like THAT? The Aerattl can fly, the Aquations can swim, and the SLUGS can dig.” He said, narrowing his eyes at Basalt. “You are foolish, brash, and impulsive. I could have destroyed every palace guard, every soldier, every last servant and advisor. Did I? No! I do not want to destroy Enfernae, or any other of these primitive tribes. Vixen caught a glimpse of a good future and she did the right thing. If she hadn’t, things would’ve been more.. difficult.. for everybody.”
Basalt took a step forward threateningly. “But you see?” He said, cocking his head mockingly. “The Aquations are underwater, the Solosis are underground, and the Aerattl are high in the sky where no other dragon can reach without aid. We are are safely protected from evil threats, UNITED.” His muscles bunched and his claws gripped the ground angrily but he sat back, restraining himself. He subconsciously glanced back at Ace make sure he wasn’t scared.

Vixen looked away. She was grateful for Basalt’s outburst, in a way, because she knew someone had to speak up. She also appreciated him saying that she was monarche, but she knew she didn’t deserve to be one anymore. She had given up on her tribe, and failed them as leader. Surely anyone, even Apollyon, could do a better job than she had.

Kallitrax barred his teeth at the thick oak door. Slugs..? SLUGS..?? The Royal Solosis Guard flared as he listened in on the monarche’s conversation. How dare Apollyon say such things? Solosis was far more powerful then this rebel Enfernae, and always would be. Clone army or no. Kallitrax knew he would die fighting for his tribe, no matter the forces at talon.
Lovin it!!!!!!!
[Part 16]
“Do you really think this Apollyon character is who he says he is?” Kallitrax and Accel walked out of the clinic after delivering Current to the nurse Starshine; they watched as the monarches went indoors to talk.
“I’m not sure.” Kallitrax responded. He felt the scales on the back of his neck prickle, as though someone were watching him. The red dragon had something off about his calm demeanor, as though an underlying evil hid under his pleasant personality. Apollyon had seemed ambitious. Kallitrax didn’t think he’d settle for just being monarche, as high up of a position as it was.
“He did just invade and take over Enfernae without much reason other than to rule it.” The Solosis observed.
“The waters did clear up though.” Accel said. The sand under him made a scraping sound as he sat down to wait; Kallitrax followed suit. “Odd that he used his blood.” “I agree. I mean, what’s so special about his blood? It doesn’t make any sense..” Accel looked towards the ocean. “Definitely weird. I also find it weird that he has so many clones of one dragon.”
*Clones! So that’s what they are.* Kallitrax thought, realizing the idea made sense. *That’s why they look so similar, because they’re identical.*
“Well hopefully he’ll show us how to make the cure, however he does it. So many Aquations need it, and hopefully Monarche Current is just the first of many.”

“So you’ve supposedly cured the ocean and supposedly cured Current.” The Solosis monarche hissed. “What is it you really want? Why did you take over Enfernae?”
Storm sat half-floating next to Vixen, watching Basalt snap at the red Enfernae in from of them. Current lay curled up in a round cot on the other side of Vixen, breathing evenly now.
“I am unifying the land of Draconat under one banner.” Apollyon said grandly. “Enfernae has already joined me in this effort and I want Aerattl, Solosis, and Aquation to as well. One continent, one tribe, one history, one culture, one in shared hopes, dreams, one future.
One Nation.”
Storm stared at the Enfernae in shock. “Aerattl are freedom lovers at heart.” She said passionately. “The skies are our home, and the open air is our friend. Try and restrict our beliefs or control us in any needless way, and we will push back. If you wanted us to follow you, you’d have to prove to us that you can be a respectable leader.”
“Then the Aerattl are selfish.” Apollyon growled. “They would rather break contact from all civilization and go float up in the clouds somewhere for the rest of their life rather than be a good neighbor and come together to help others reach a common goal and shared interests. What you decide is not under my control. But..” Apollyon paused, insinuating a warning. “The consequences of THAT decision will most certainly cost you.” His tone grew darker, and he didn’t break the eye contact between them.

“WE AREN’T ENFERNAE!” A loud voice roared angrily.
Storm grimaced. Basalt was having none of it.
“Who do you think you are? You can’t rule dragons you don’t understand! You can’t catch a bird and keep it grounded all its life, or a fish above water, or a mole aboveground! And the Enfernae didn’t join you. Look at Monarche Vixen!” He gestured to the startled six-legged dragoness, refusing to call Apollyon monarche. “She didn’t consent to this, you overran her kingdom! She had no choice to surrender or else you would’ve killed everyone!” Basalt set his jaw and stepped back from the warlord. “Solosis will NOT join you. And we are willing to lend soldiers to Aerattl and Aquation if they wish to fight this.. creature.”

Apollyon hissed malevolently. “And what in the name of Igneous made you think I would tolerate a thing like THAT? The Aerattl can fly, the Aquations can swim, and the SLUGS can dig.” He said, narrowing his eyes at Basalt. “You are foolish, brash, and impulsive. I could have destroyed every palace guard, every soldier, every last servant and advisor. Did I? No! I do not want to destroy Enfernae, or any other of these primitive tribes. Vixen caught a glimpse of a good future and she did the right thing. If she hadn’t, things would’ve been more.. difficult.. for everybody.”
Basalt took a step forward threateningly. “But you see?” He said, cocking his head mockingly. “The Aquations are underwater, the Solosis are underground, and the Aerattl are high in the sky where no other dragon can reach without aid. We are are safely protected from evil threats, UNITED.” His muscles bunched and his claws gripped the ground angrily but he sat back, restraining himself. He subconsciously glanced back at Ace make sure he wasn’t scared.

Vixen looked away. She was grateful for Basalt’s outburst, in a way, because she knew someone had to speak up. She also appreciated him saying that she was monarche, but she knew she didn’t deserve to be one anymore. She had given up on her tribe, and failed them as leader. Surely anyone, even Apollyon, could do a better job than she had.

Kallitrax barred his teeth at the thick oak door. Slugs..? SLUGS..?? The Royal Solosis Guard flared as he listened in on the monarche’s conversation. How dare Apollyon say such things? Solosis was far more powerful then this rebel Enfernae, and always would be. Clone army or no. Kallitrax knew he would die fighting for his tribe, no matter the forces at talon.

[Part 17]
“We’re already united over the fact that the waters were corrupted. You think we don’t care?” Basalt growled at the irate Enfernae.
He gestured to Tide, who’s eyes lit up with surprise. “Dragons from other tribes ignore wyrms from other tribes; they’re none of our business. And YET, we take care of the Aquation’s wyrms because we are aware that they would be killed in their own habitat. I’ve got one right now for talon’s sake!” He lowered one of his wings to show off Ace, who had fallen asleep.
“Monarche Vixen called us all together to find a solution for the Virus.”
Apollyon glared at the title Basalt had addressed her as.
“She’s the one who really wants to help them, and she’d done it. Made a way to get to them. You are taking her away from us.”

Apollyon shook his head, trying to keep his temperament from flaring up in anger. He had a greater cause to push forward to, and he couldn’t spend his time meddling with a short-sighted, low rock dragon. “I believe you care,” He rumbled to the Solosis Monarche in a demeaning tone. “But you had no solution for the problem. No real cure, and when you eventually came up with a suitable idea for one, it would most certainly have been too late.” “The SMART thing to do right now,” Basalt growled unrelentingly, “is to hand over the Cure to your monarche so that together we can cure all of the water and live together in peace once again. You might even be held in the highest honor if you would just submit to your monarche as you should.
Dragons all over Draconat would honor you, especially the Aquations. You don’t need power and total control to achieve that. In fact- you’ll spark the opposite reactions. Hate. Mistrust. Revolt.” Basalt hated the idea of working with the ambitious Enfernae, but he knew they had to grab a reachable term in order to subdue Apollyon’s threat.
“I serve no monarche.” Apollyon growled, his voice rising slightly as he stood. “I am above these narrow-minded, weak tribes; and in the end, these weak tribal leaders will bow to me because their stubbornness has destroyed them and they have nothing left.” The warlord seemed to be addressing all the dragons of Draconat with his words, not just the ones in front of him.

“I am the only one who will win because I ALWAYS succeed. No matter the principles or powers before me.” His voice rose. “And in the end I will conquer ALL, and NO ONE will be able to stand defiantly before me!!”
Apollyon’s voice softened once again, a light, wavering whisper laced with threat and deceit.
“And then.. there will be.. peace.”

“And so it will be. You have but two choices.
Live, under a sovereign, united rule.. or die.
This is my ultimatum.”

And with that, the red dragon stalked out the clinic door and flew up into the sky, his Inner Ring and clones trailing after their master as they flew north.
Apollyon’s bloodred wings and the crimson shadow they left that raced fleetingly over the beach seemed to be a threatening omen. Predicting blood, war.. and death.

Basalt turned to Storm, Vixen, and Current. His expression was deeply disturbed and his mind raced. “None of you could possibly be thinking of submitting to him.” He said, worry spiking his voice. “Under this.. this warlord?” He stamped a talon on the ground. “He doesn’t care if we’re united, he just wants to rule us. No offense, Vixen, but what could an Enfernae know about ruling Aerattl, Aquations, and Solosis? We may live at peace with one another, but we’re still our own tribes. Right?” The Solosis helped a now-awake Ace down to let him explore now that the powerful red dragon was gone.
“None taken.” Vixen responded absently, staring at the floor as she thought. Storm was silent, keeping her own thoughts to herself as she processed everything Apollyon had said.
Current, having woken up and listened to the latter end of the conversation, looked up at Storm. Then over at Basalt. “I- I’m not sure what to do.” She said in a quiet, raspy voice. “I’d love to help stop him.. but I’m not sure I have a choice. The only dragons I have right now are pupas and rescued wyrms.” The Aquation’s mind was still emotionally weak, and she broke down crying. “I can’t do anything to resist. I- I- I’m afraid I’m going to have to surrender. At- at least until someone cures my dragons.” Her thin frame shook.
Basalt’s eyes widened. A monarche breaking down was not what he expected. “Current.” He said, stepping over to her cot. “Don’t worry. Storm, Vixen and I will help you. Apollyon doesn’t think we’re united, but we are. Vixen.” He said, looking up at her. “You have really smart scientists, do you think that they can sample the water here and extract the cure stuff that Apollyon put in it? Do you think that they can make some more breathing capsules?” We can still complete your mission, and im on board with the plan if we can stop Apollyon, especially since now we have a real cure for this.
We can rebuild Current’s army.”
[Part 17]
“We’re already united over the fact that the waters were corrupted. You think we don’t care?” Basalt growled at the irate Enfernae.
He gestured to Tide, who’s eyes lit up with surprise. “Dragons from other tribes ignore wyrms from other tribes; they’re none of our business. And YET, we take care of the Aquation’s wyrms because we are aware that they would be killed in their own habitat. I’ve got one right now for talon’s sake!” He lowered one of his wings to show off Ace, who had fallen asleep.
“Monarche Vixen called us all together to find a solution for the Virus.”
Apollyon glared at the title Basalt had addressed her as.
“She’s the one who really wants to help them, and she’d done it. Made a way to get to them. You are taking her away from us.”

Apollyon shook his head, trying to keep his temperament from flaring up in anger. He had a greater cause to push forward to, and he couldn’t spend his time meddling with a short-sighted, low rock dragon. “I believe you care,” He rumbled to the Solosis Monarche in a demeaning tone. “But you had no solution for the problem. No real cure, and when you eventually came up with a suitable idea for one, it would most certainly have been too late.” “The SMART thing to do right now,” Basalt growled unrelentingly, “is to hand over the Cure to your monarche so that together we can cure all of the water and live together in peace once again. You might even be held in the highest honor if you would just submit to your monarche as you should.
Dragons all over Draconat would honor you, especially the Aquations. You don’t need power and total control to achieve that. In fact- you’ll spark the opposite reactions. Hate. Mistrust. Revolt.” Basalt hated the idea of working with the ambitious Enfernae, but he knew they had to grab a reachable term in order to subdue Apollyon’s threat.
“I serve no monarche.” Apollyon growled, his voice rising slightly as he stood. “I am above these narrow-minded, weak tribes; and in the end, these weak tribal leaders will bow to me because their stubbornness has destroyed them and they have nothing left.” The warlord seemed to be addressing all the dragons of Draconat with his words, not just the ones in front of him.

“I am the only one who will win because I ALWAYS succeed. No matter the principles or powers before me.” His voice rose. “And in the end I will conquer ALL, and NO ONE will be able to stand defiantly before me!!”
Apollyon’s voice softened once again, a light, wavering whisper laced with threat and deceit.
“And then.. there will be.. peace.”

“And so it will be. You have but two choices.
Live, under a sovereign, united rule.. or die.
This is my ultimatum.”

And with that, the red dragon stalked out the clinic door and flew up into the sky, his Inner Ring and clones trailing after their master as they flew north.
Apollyon’s bloodred wings and the crimson shadow they left that raced fleetingly over the beach seemed to be a threatening omen. Predicting blood, war.. and death.

Basalt turned to Storm, Vixen, and Current. His expression was deeply disturbed and his mind raced. “None of you could possibly be thinking of submitting to him.” He said, worry spiking his voice. “Under this.. this warlord?” He stamped a talon on the ground. “He doesn’t care if we’re united, he just wants to rule us. No offense, Vixen, but what could an Enfernae know about ruling Aerattl, Aquations, and Solosis? We may live at peace with one another, but we’re still our own tribes. Right?” The Solosis helped a now-awake Ace down to let him explore now that the powerful red dragon was gone.
“None taken.” Vixen responded absently, staring at the floor as she thought. Storm was silent, keeping her own thoughts to herself as she processed everything Apollyon had said.
Current, having woken up and listened to the latter end of the conversation, looked up at Storm. Then over at Basalt. “I- I’m not sure what to do.” She said in a quiet, raspy voice. “I’d love to help stop him.. but I’m not sure I have a choice. The only dragons I have right now are pupas and rescued wyrms.” The Aquation’s mind was still emotionally weak, and she broke down crying. “I can’t do anything to resist. I- I- I’m afraid I’m going to have to surrender. At- at least until someone cures my dragons.” Her thin frame shook.
Basalt’s eyes widened. A monarche breaking down was not what he expected. “Current.” He said, stepping over to her cot. “Don’t worry. Storm, Vixen and I will help you. Apollyon doesn’t think we’re united, but we are. Vixen.” He said, looking up at her. “You have really smart scientists, do you think that they can sample the water here and extract the cure stuff that Apollyon put in it? Do you think that they can make some more breathing capsules?” We can still complete your mission, and im on board with the plan if we can stop Apollyon, especially since now we have a real cure for this.
We can rebuild Current’s army.”

[Part 18]
The sun began slowly setting on the beachside Aerattl clinic. The ocean waves turned orange as they crested and hissed at the shore, the blue clearness underlying the orange like an incredible jewel as the shadows lengthened.
The wind and rock dragon soldiers shifted wearily as the monarches within the clinic finished up their tense meeting about what to do with the threat of the rebel Enfernae.

“This will help.” Starshine confirmed, handing Current what appeared to be a piece of cream-colored taffy. “It has honey in it, which will help your throat.” The Aquation monarche ate it, her mind occupied by the heated conversation in front of her.
“I don’t have anything current I need to attend to in Solosis.” Basalt was saying. “And I’ll have my new advisor, Sterling, take Ace back to the Great Cave to keep him safe. We won’t have to risk pupa for the mission if Vixen’s scientists can recreate the Cure.” “I’m sure they can.” The Enfernae monarche said, eager to fight against the bloodred dragon’s rule. “I know just the pair. They live in Crater City, hiding from Apollyon.”
“Good.” Basalt nodded. “I’ll go with Vixen to Crater City and make the Cure. Storm, Current, stay in Aerattl. We’ll bring the Cure as soon as we can and meet in Cloud City before heading to the Praline Pavilion to cure Current’s dragons. Sound good?” “Cloud Hall should be where we meet.” Storm said. “It’s more secure.” The others nodded in agreement.
“We’ll gather our armies and take back Enfernae once we help Current’s dragons.” Basalt said firmly.
“Then stop Apollyon.”


Moss jumped, startled, in the midst of his pacing. He stared with wide eyes at the huge double oak doors, the entrance of the Great Cave. Four guards were posted around the clock, two inside and two outside. The pair turned around to frown at the doors.

“Monarche.. Apollyon?” Moss muttered to himself, staring at the door in confusion as the guards hefted their spears. “But isn’t Ember- er, Vixen monarche?”
“OPEN UP OR YOU’RE ALL DEAD!” The commanding voice yelled.
Moss made a firm decision then.
“NEVER!” He shouted back, and the guards hefted the barricade quickly and began to secure the heavy doors with it.

Crunch.. BAM!

The doors burst open before they could be locked under a heavy force. A large, weathered but ferociously strong-looking Solosis regained himself after shouldering through the doors.
The guards attempted to attack, but were made quick work of by Tank and the clone army behind him.
The traitorous Solosis stalked towards the young Imago. “Resistance will be futile, little heir.” He rumbled, and barred his teeth. “So surrender the throne.. or die.”

Moss glared at the threatening clones and Tank.
“Never.” He repeated; drawing a gorgeous, yet dangerously sharp diamond sword from his back and leveling it resolutely at the tan dragon. “Guards!” He shouted back into the tunnels.
Tank shook his head pityingly, almost casually hefting a spiked club. “You are very much like your father, aren’t you.” He observed mockingly. “Brave. Oh so very brave. The perfect little hero.” His expression twisted into a snarl. “Brave, yet.. so very foolish.”

He swung his club up to bring it down on Moss’s head, but in a silvery blue flash, the diamond sword bit into the club and knocked it to the side.
The black clones began swarming up to the two, blocking off escape routes and pushing against the Solosis force.
Moss attempted to yank the sword from Tank’s club, and staggered back when he did. Suddenly, the offending dragon’s talon was at his throat, and Moss found himself flung to one side of the cavern, where he connected with the dirt wall painfully.

Ace was very much confused.
His life had pretty much been a whirlwind of confusion and chaos since Basalt had saved him from the scavenging seagulls that had been attacking him after he washed up at the shore of Solosis.
He’d found himself in Enfernae, where he learned just how spicy the fire dragon’s food was, and been deep in Basalt’s private cave and seen the Great Oak that his adopted father was connected to.. somehow? He wasn’t quite sure about that.
And then he’d been on a beach, and one that was much more comfortably un-rocky at that. Then the bad dragon, Apollyon had shown up. He’d made Basalt very angry, which made Ace upset.
And then he’d been flown by Basalt’s angry advisor, Sterling. He sensed that she didn’t like him, and in the end she’d handed him off to a guard, who was now flying him back home. The Great Cave.

The guard was tense, Ace could sense something was wrong, but he didn’t know what. They’d landed, and were cautiously approaching the cave entrance when a black dragon jumped out from behind a rock and blew flames at the guard’s head, killing him.
Ace yelped, his fin singed, but the attacking dragon had already flown off into the cave.
The large orangish dragon flopped over, landing on Ace’s tail. The Aquation wyrm yelped again, and yelled for his brother; thoroughly terrified.
“Moss!” He cried desperately, hoping someone would hear him.
[Part 18]
The sun began slowly setting on the beachside Aerattl clinic. The ocean waves turned orange as they crested and hissed at the shore, the blue clearness underlying the orange like an incredible jewel as the shadows lengthened.
The wind and rock dragon soldiers shifted wearily as the monarches within the clinic finished up their tense meeting about what to do with the threat of the rebel Enfernae.

“This will help.” Starshine confirmed, handing Current what appeared to be a piece of cream-colored taffy. “It has honey in it, which will help your throat.” The Aquation monarche ate it, her mind occupied by the heated conversation in front of her.
“I don’t have anything current I need to attend to in Solosis.” Basalt was saying. “And I’ll have my new advisor, Sterling, take Ace back to the Great Cave to keep him safe. We won’t have to risk pupa for the mission if Vixen’s scientists can recreate the Cure.” “I’m sure they can.” The Enfernae monarche said, eager to fight against the bloodred dragon’s rule. “I know just the pair. They live in Crater City, hiding from Apollyon.”
“Good.” Basalt nodded. “I’ll go with Vixen to Crater City and make the Cure. Storm, Current, stay in Aerattl. We’ll bring the Cure as soon as we can and meet in Cloud City before heading to the Praline Pavilion to cure Current’s dragons. Sound good?” “Cloud Hall should be where we meet.” Storm said. “It’s more secure.” The others nodded in agreement.
“We’ll gather our armies and take back Enfernae once we help Current’s dragons.” Basalt said firmly.
“Then stop Apollyon.”


Moss jumped, startled, in the midst of his pacing. He stared with wide eyes at the huge double oak doors, the entrance of the Great Cave. Four guards were posted around the clock, two inside and two outside. The pair turned around to frown at the doors.

“Monarche.. Apollyon?” Moss muttered to himself, staring at the door in confusion as the guards hefted their spears. “But isn’t Ember- er, Vixen monarche?”
“OPEN UP OR YOU’RE ALL DEAD!” The commanding voice yelled.
Moss made a firm decision then.
“NEVER!” He shouted back, and the guards hefted the barricade quickly and began to secure the heavy doors with it.

Crunch.. BAM!

The doors burst open before they could be locked under a heavy force. A large, weathered but ferociously strong-looking Solosis regained himself after shouldering through the doors.
The guards attempted to attack, but were made quick work of by Tank and the clone army behind him.
The traitorous Solosis stalked towards the young Imago. “Resistance will be futile, little heir.” He rumbled, and barred his teeth. “So surrender the throne.. or die.”

Moss glared at the threatening clones and Tank.
“Never.” He repeated; drawing a gorgeous, yet dangerously sharp diamond sword from his back and leveling it resolutely at the tan dragon. “Guards!” He shouted back into the tunnels.
Tank shook his head pityingly, almost casually hefting a spiked club. “You are very much like your father, aren’t you.” He observed mockingly. “Brave. Oh so very brave. The perfect little hero.” His expression twisted into a snarl. “Brave, yet.. so very foolish.”

He swung his club up to bring it down on Moss’s head, but in a silvery blue flash, the diamond sword bit into the club and knocked it to the side.
The black clones began swarming up to the two, blocking off escape routes and pushing against the Solosis force.
Moss attempted to yank the sword from Tank’s club, and staggered back when he did. Suddenly, the offending dragon’s talon was at his throat, and Moss found himself flung to one side of the cavern, where he connected with the dirt wall painfully.

Ace was very much confused.
His life had pretty much been a whirlwind of confusion and chaos since Basalt had saved him from the scavenging seagulls that had been attacking him after he washed up at the shore of Solosis.
He’d found himself in Enfernae, where he learned just how spicy the fire dragon’s food was, and been deep in Basalt’s private cave and seen the Great Oak that his adopted father was connected to.. somehow? He wasn’t quite sure about that.
And then he’d been on a beach, and one that was much more comfortably un-rocky at that. Then the bad dragon, Apollyon had shown up. He’d made Basalt very angry, which made Ace upset.
And then he’d been flown by Basalt’s angry advisor, Sterling. He sensed that she didn’t like him, and in the end she’d handed him off to a guard, who was now flying him back home. The Great Cave.

The guard was tense, Ace could sense something was wrong, but he didn’t know what. They’d landed, and were cautiously approaching the cave entrance when a black dragon jumped out from behind a rock and blew flames at the guard’s head, killing him.
Ace yelped, his fin singed, but the attacking dragon had already flown off into the cave.
The large orangish dragon flopped over, landing on Ace’s tail. The Aquation wyrm yelped again, and yelled for his brother; thoroughly terrified.
“Moss!” He cried desperately, hoping someone would hear him.

[Part 19]
A young dragon swooped around the east side of a large, active volcano.
His scales were a navy blue, with fiery-colored feathers on his head and at the end of his tail; his wings and eyes were the same color.
The Enfernae perched on a cleft on the south face of the volcano, longingly watching the subtribe chieftain teach the young pupa how to fly.
A crackling sound alerted his ears, and the young Imago turned around to see a small, dead bush behind him alight with fire. Blinking rapidly, he tried to stamp out the flames but they only grew. Despairingly, he watched it burn to the ground and die out.
Thoroughly depressed now, the blue dragon slumped to the ground and lay his head on his talons, watching a small feathered pupa named Sundance struggle to recover from a downward swoop. The orange-feathered Chief Blaze has forbidden him from going near the pupa and Wyrms in case he accidentally injured them.
It had only been a week since Westar’s shocking Imago transformation, and he was already longing to feel the cool, wet grass under his talons.
His pupa shell had been.. hot. The other dragons in the Volcano Subtribe realized that something was wrong when his shell, smoking, had shed weeks early. Westar was technically still a pupa for another week, but couldn’t even play or hang out with the others.

Westar reluctantly stood up and lifted his wings to fly up into the air before catching a warm current of air from the volcano and heading towards the southern beach of Aerattl.
He’d already visited most beaches in Enfernae, but he’d never been to the southern beaches of Draconat before. He wasn’t allowed to go into any towns or wooded areas, so the harmless beaches were the best place for a firescaled dragon like him to go without hurting anyone.
The sparsely wooded badlands of western Enfernae led out to the hotsprings and swamps between the fire and rock dragon borders before the beach appeared, trees popping up between the two environments before disappearing.

A red and white dragoness flew over the clear waters of Aquation, spotting the top half of the Praline Pavilion poking up from the ocean.
The Virus-inflicted water was still visible further out, but the Cure was doing its job well.
A small army of black clones followed Onyx towards the Aquation’s palace, and the Enfernae landed with a proud flourish of wings. Sure, the sea dragons were going to be the easiest to defeat, but she wasn’t about to let Apollyon thinking she was incompetent stop her from doing her best work.
At least he hadn’t given the job to someone else.
She knew he wouldn’t have led the expedition himself, it would’ve been too demeaning to his powerful nature. Sure, it was demeaning to her, but she decided to play oblivious to that burning fact.

The doors were both ajar, so the Enfernae led them cautiously in. Onyx expected little resistance, if none, and a flick of her ear confirmed it.
She whipped her head around just as a wild-eyed Aquation guards lunged towards her. He drooled madly and he was deathly thin. A clone stepped forward, but Onyx held up a wing. “I can handle it. It’s just an infected Aqu-” the water dragon suddenly blasted a spray of water at the right side of her face. Onyx froze, scrunching her eyes closed, waiting for the torrent to be over, but a searing heat made her cry out in pain as she reeled away from him, slashing out.
The boiling water ceased as the guard groped at his snout with a snarl.
Onyx was vaguely aware of a couple clones dispatching the crazed Aquation, but her face seared with a burning pain. With one talon clawed over her right eye, she squinted through a teared-up eye at the dead guard. That was it; mostly Aquation, but definitely an Enfernae hybrid of some sort. The red and white scaled dragon hissed in pain. “Go secure the rest of the pavilion.” Onyx commanded hoarsely. She reached into her satchel and pulled out a bad of reproduced underwater-breathing capsules, handing them out to half the force before taking one herself. “You go to the underwater part of the palace. Clear out all the Aquations there.” As the colonies moved to obey, Onyx gasped in pain and flew outside, diving into the ocean. The cool water felt soothing, though the salt stung at the wound and her still-closed eye.

After the Enfernae force had secured the Aquation’s palace, Onyx approached the commander, who was distinguishable by a thin silver chain around his neck. “Finish directing clones to the guard positions and secure the throne room, there are still a couple Aquations in there. I don’t expect anyone to attack you, but be on your guard anyway.” The red and white dragon turned as it to leave, the the commander caught her. “Where are you going?” He asked. “None of your business.” Onyx snapped, the pain making her irritable. “Just follow orders.”
She began flying towards the southern border of Aerattl.
[Part 18]
The sun began slowly setting on the beachside Aerattl clinic. The ocean waves turned orange as they crested and hissed at the shore, the blue clearness underlying the orange like an incredible jewel as the shadows lengthened.
The wind and rock dragon soldiers shifted wearily as the monarches within the clinic finished up their tense meeting about what to do with the threat of the rebel Enfernae.

“This will help.” Starshine confirmed, handing Current what appeared to be a piece of cream-colored taffy. “It has honey in it, which will help your throat.” The Aquation monarche ate it, her mind occupied by the heated conversation in front of her.
“I don’t have anything current I need to attend to in Solosis.” Basalt was saying. “And I’ll have my new advisor, Sterling, take Ace back to the Great Cave to keep him safe. We won’t have to risk pupa for the mission if Vixen’s scientists can recreate the Cure.” “I’m sure they can.” The Enfernae monarche said, eager to fight against the bloodred dragon’s rule. “I know just the pair. They live in Crater City, hiding from Apollyon.”
“Good.” Basalt nodded. “I’ll go with Vixen to Crater City and make the Cure. Storm, Current, stay in Aerattl. We’ll bring the Cure as soon as we can and meet in Cloud City before heading to the Praline Pavilion to cure Current’s dragons. Sound good?” “Cloud Hall should be where we meet.” Storm said. “It’s more secure.” The others nodded in agreement.
“We’ll gather our armies and take back Enfernae once we help Current’s dragons.” Basalt said firmly.
“Then stop Apollyon.”


Moss jumped, startled, in the midst of his pacing. He stared with wide eyes at the huge double oak doors, the entrance of the Great Cave. Four guards were posted around the clock, two inside and two outside. The pair turned around to frown at the doors.

“Monarche.. Apollyon?” Moss muttered to himself, staring at the door in confusion as the guards hefted their spears. “But isn’t Ember- er, Vixen monarche?”
“OPEN UP OR YOU’RE ALL DEAD!” The commanding voice yelled.
Moss made a firm decision then.
“NEVER!” He shouted back, and the guards hefted the barricade quickly and began to secure the heavy doors with it.

Crunch.. BAM!

The doors burst open before they could be locked under a heavy force. A large, weathered but ferociously strong-looking Solosis regained himself after shouldering through the doors.
The guards attempted to attack, but were made quick work of by Tank and the clone army behind him.
The traitorous Solosis stalked towards the young Imago. “Resistance will be futile, little heir.” He rumbled, and barred his teeth. “So surrender the throne.. or die.”

Moss glared at the threatening clones and Tank.
“Never.” He repeated; drawing a gorgeous, yet dangerously sharp diamond sword from his back and leveling it resolutely at the tan dragon. “Guards!” He shouted back into the tunnels.
Tank shook his head pityingly, almost casually hefting a spiked club. “You are very much like your father, aren’t you.” He observed mockingly. “Brave. Oh so very brave. The perfect little hero.” His expression twisted into a snarl. “Brave, yet.. so very foolish.”

He swung his club up to bring it down on Moss’s head, but in a silvery blue flash, the diamond sword bit into the club and knocked it to the side.
The black clones began swarming up to the two, blocking off escape routes and pushing against the Solosis force.
Moss attempted to yank the sword from Tank’s club, and staggered back when he did. Suddenly, the offending dragon’s talon was at his throat, and Moss found himself flung to one side of the cavern, where he connected with the dirt wall painfully.

Ace was very much confused.
His life had pretty much been a whirlwind of confusion and chaos since Basalt had saved him from the scavenging seagulls that had been attacking him after he washed up at the shore of Solosis.
He’d found himself in Enfernae, where he learned just how spicy the fire dragon’s food was, and been deep in Basalt’s private cave and seen the Great Oak that his adopted father was connected to.. somehow? He wasn’t quite sure about that.
And then he’d been on a beach, and one that was much more comfortably un-rocky at that. Then the bad dragon, Apollyon had shown up. He’d made Basalt very angry, which made Ace upset.
And then he’d been flown by Basalt’s angry advisor, Sterling. He sensed that she didn’t like him, and in the end she’d handed him off to a guard, who was now flying him back home. The Great Cave.

The guard was tense, Ace could sense something was wrong, but he didn’t know what. They’d landed, and were cautiously approaching the cave entrance when a black dragon jumped out from behind a rock and blew flames at the guard’s head, killing him.
Ace yelped, his fin singed, but the attacking dragon had already flown off into the cave.
The large orangish dragon flopped over, landing on Ace’s tail. The Aquation wyrm yelped again, and yelled for his brother; thoroughly terrified.
“Moss!” He cried desperately, hoping someone would hear him.
Just a few reminders, Ace hatched in a river inland and was picked up by a falcon.

And blazers subtribe lives on a remote volcano in aerattle territory XD)

I was wondering about that.. arent they Enfernae though?
Who said all enfernae always lived in the same territory? Or even the other types? Living things move as they see fit after all :p it just so happens that blazes started on that volcano before the four main tribes settled in their respective territories.

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