Custom Egg Cartons


9 Years
May 26, 2010
Ok - so hopefully I won't have anyone take this idea, and who knows, maybe it's already out there, but I was wondering - do you guys think people would be interested on here for having painted egg cartons? For instance, if someone emailed me the name of their chicken coop/the logo or sign they use for their chicken coop, and I made a painting of that on an egg carton, would people buy this?? Maybe to give out to their friends/family when they give eggs? Just a college student looking to earn some money...


(PS Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I just needed a quick reply. I'm a crafter going out of my mind without having my next craft lined up!)
Sounds lovely but not cost-effective, ya know? would the paint even stay on the carton? I would love to have a custom wood sign for my coop if you do that, though.

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