cutting on a horse


7 Years
Jun 6, 2012
Hi!!!!! I am stating cutting. Who else does cutting on BYC? If there is anything special I need to know then please tell me!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!
I don't know anything about western riding (I can't even fix up the girth) but I hope you have fun and I like your avatar picture!
When I was 19-24, I had a part time job on a small ranch here in northern Michigan. I did some cutting for practical purposes but it wasn't anything like a western ranch or cutting competition. It could probably be called sorting. And I did it on an Arab/Saddlrbred although I did occasionally use a ranch horse for it. When you're on a horse who knows what he's doing, it's a rush, an amazing feeling. When I rode my horse, who had been raised around cattle, she had SOME cow sense, but not a lot and I had to direct her a lot. Some of the ranch foals who even begin to cut as babies when turned out with the herd.
I loped for a well known professional cutting trainer for a while right after high school. What seemed to bother him the most was when kids would show up for their lesson texting, talking on the phone, and making the general appearance that they didn't want or care to be there. One time a kid walked through the door while I was saddling one of the many streak-faced sorrel mares in the barn and actually stopped and asked me if that was his horse - it wasn't. So my best advice is to take a real interest in what you are doing. Always be open to the suggestions your trainer makes, listen and learn, and most of all have fun.
How could you not know what horse you ride???? I love to ride and it is sooooo much fun to make a bond with your horse!!!!!!

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