Daisy Passed Away


Oct 15, 2020
Hi everyone. You probably already know Daisy, my Buff Orrington Hen. She passed away peacefully today around lunchtime. She was my favorite pet in my life. I cried a lot, she was my favorite chicken. I'm sad, and not really in the mood to talk much about her, but She was the sweetest. She died of natural causes. I found her in her coop. But I don't think as her of just dead, but alive up in another land somewhere. She was everything to me. That is why my profile name is DaisyBuff. I named it after her. About her, her favorite foods are raisins, meal worms, and cheese. She also lived for many years. She had a long life, and she knew she was loved. Fly high girl! Have fun in chicken heaven!
Hi everyone. You probably already know Daisy, my Buff Orrington Hen. She passed away peacefully today around lunchtime. She was my favorite pet in my life. I cried a lot, she was my favorite chicken. I'm sad, and not really in the mood to talk much about her, but She was the sweetest. She died of natural causes. I found her in her coop. But I don't think as her of just dead, but alive up in another land somewhere. She was everything to me. That is why my profile name is DaisyBuff. I named it after her. About her, her favorite foods are raisins, meal worms, and cheese. She also lived for many years. She had a long life, and she knew she was loved. Fly high girl! Have fun in chicken heaven!
It is never easy to lose a dear friend. Don't be afraid to allow yourself to grieve. :hugs:hugs:hugs

Here is my Daisy, may she also rest in peace. I lost her several years ago. I will never forget her.

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