Dallas Zoo 11/08/08

Thank you flyingmonkeypoop and Lophura. Those birds are gorgeous. Very interesting to watch.

I was interested when a recording next to the Saddle-billed Stork exhibit stated that they were the first zoo to ever have the birds breed in captivity.

Link to their page on them:


So that's neat that one of your birds might be there. I only saw the pair on display, but they were very pretty.
Great pictures!!!
But the one that will eat my soul gives me the shivers!!!!
What is that??
We don't have anything like that at the
Columbus Ohio zoo. Thank goodness
My Granddaughter told us a couple weeks ago when we were
at the zoo the elephants are messy She's 18 months old lol
Awesome pics! Gotta love those snakes! That unidentified one reminds me of a Woma Python, but I cant see the head. They are my favorite species of snake! I love all of the pics, they are great.

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