d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Read "genetically altered mole, designed for the expressed purpose to infiltrate and undermine the Hairy Legged Horde.

Nice looking chicks Cynthia.


Probably right JJ but that is a little rooster and roosters cannot say no to my charms...they lurves me. I shall convert this one as soon as I get my paws on him so no worries.

Hey when you gonna come build me a bantam townhouse huh? I might consider calling off the attack if you decorate it real nice too after construction is complete. :)

*waving* Hiya Aubrey how was the hunting?
well, been off hunting....looks like the same ol same ol haha, I swear yall kill me with all that.

Cyn, did those cochins come from large fowl ancestors? Reason I ask is they could have got a gene from that side that was hiding.
I was going to work on breeding down some black bantam phoenix last year.
I started with my Schubert import blacks and bred them to bantam lavenders I had. The Schubert line is massive, 6-8 pounds, nearly twice as big as American large fowl phoenix. The first cross I wasnt expecting much, maybe a few mid sizers.

EVERY FREAKING ONE is as small or smaller than the bantam lavenders I used. Found out at one time, that line came from bantam birds..so it had to have had something to do with taking a 8 pound bird down to 1.5 pounds in 1 cross.
I assume the same could be possible but in reverse.

yes you are a month or more from sexing... I can guess but that's all it is. Time is the only way. I would GUESS the porcelain is a male though based soley on the comb base at this point.

congrats on the arrival, hope they do as good for you as everyone else has been getting. Just got 2 e-mails from other private buyers that said they got 24 or 24 on one and 23 of 24 on another... so they are surviving shipping really well this year
alright aubrey thanks.. just wondering, if that little black project chick turned out to be a roo, what would he look like? have any pictures?
Cole, if he just ends up as a black by product, that's all he'll be a black, but will carry either duckwing or birchen patterns in his genes, so those could pop up from him later on if bred to another bird with similare genes. That's what I'm thinking he ended up being.
if bred to a normal black, he'll just give you blacks.

IF he is infact a brown red, he'll look just like my bb red, but without the duckwing triangle in the wings. I have only made hens so far, trying to get males this year off them, so dont have any birchen d'anver male pics yet.


was pretty good, got turkey # 8 for the season yesterday, my best year by far so far. going for double digits!! We are allowed 3 each here, so I have been guiding more less for my buddies that are new to it and getting them some too now that I'm long since limited out... boy it's fun though


I have only had the gingers for a couple years, so I'm still learning about them too. It's hard to find any info about them much on the web, so I'm just having to go by what I see in the hatches. On the buff columbians though, those F1's could almost be called gingers, actually with proper breeding you could make them gingers pretty quick from what I've been told.
But I have noticed their hackles are always more golden in mine than than the true gingers. But with every back breeding of siblings they get paler and paler like a correct buff columbian. My pullets from last year, the F2's are about perfect now, just a little stippling in the back still, but it's leaving fast. At first they look like a washed out bb red hen without the salmon breast. With them coming from milles and bb reds, they have a pretty heavy duckwing influence to start off with anyway, and I have used them to make more bb red and milles too. You will get milles on the first back cross anyway, which I have liked a lot, gives me a new line of them right off the get go.

So anyway, for now, I'm still learning about both those two myself. I did buy the gingers, not sure how the man made them, he wont say...haha. The hens on them still need a bit of cleaning up too, got a little back stippling, but great over all color. Thinking the chicks from this year will be 100% properly colored on them. Just about eliminated the back issue last year

will let you know more as I find it

I have only had the gingers for a couple years, so I'm still learning about them too. It's hard to find any info about them much on the web, so I'm just having to go by what I see in the hatches. On the buff columbians though, those F1's could almost be called gingers, actually with proper breeding you could make them gingers pretty quick from what I've been told.
But I have noticed their hackles are always more golden in mine than than the true gingers. But with every back breeding of siblings they get paler and paler like a correct buff columbian. My pullets from last year, the F2's are about perfect now, just a little stippling in the back still, but it's leaving fast. At first they look like a washed out bb red hen without the salmon breast. With them coming from milles and bb reds, they have a pretty heavy duckwing influence to start off with anyway, and I have used them to make more bb red and milles too. You will get milles on the first back cross anyway, which I have liked a lot, gives me a new line of them right off the get go.

So anyway, for now, I'm still learning about both those two myself. I did buy the gingers, not sure how the man made them, he wont say...haha. The hens on them still need a bit of cleaning up too, got a little back stippling, but great over all color. Thinking the chicks from this year will be 100% properly colored on them. Just about eliminated the back issue last year

will let you know more as I find it
The next two weeks I have a bunch (for me like a dozen each week) of the bb red x millies hatching. I want to get a good looking cockrel split to mottled to put back to the millies next year to see if it makes their color better plus work on buff columbians. If I have ginger in my millies (which the chick color kind of looks like) they may be almost ginger red already, except for the columbian gene. I am also going to experiment with the bb red and these two quail hens I have. the ones that mad the bird in the picture I posted the other day. Their breast and beard and lacing is the color of the breast on a silver duckwing hen, so it hard to tell what is in them. Too bad they don't come with a window sticker like a new car with a list of all the options. So I will be posting pictures and asking questions I am sure.

Aimee started laying again yesterday and Penny started back today, though she's still mothering the three chicks. Found the egg in the back corner of the cage this afternoon. They sure have been on the same schedule, going broody the exact same day, returning to lay within 24 hours of each other.
Aubrey...look at what my babies have been doing....practicing their concealment techniques and this lil' one created a disguise....ain't they just the cutest lil ole things

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Oh, my stars, as Samantha the Witch would say, if anyone pops into this thread on one of LH and JJ's little pre-battle battles, they will be so confused!

LH, are you sending a plague of toads, too? Hahaha!
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So we were thinking that my 2 Quail D'Anver chicks that were hatched 3/4/12 were boys. The other day, I caught one of my 11-week old Millie Fleur Bantam Cochin Cockerels trying to mate with one of the D'Anver chicks. Does that mean that the one he was "friendly" with is a girl??? Can chickens tell the difference that young, or are they more like dogs who will try anything???

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