d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Some pics from today:

Lucy, 8 weeks

The very, very bad Coch'Anver, Misty, who does this every night at roost time-that is over 8 ft high. We have to remove her after dark every night and put her on the roost with everyone else:

Carly's 6 week old son who lives with his broody mama the Phoenix in the bantam coop-poor Molly can't even sit most of the time. Aubrey guards her and the baby all day long like a proud papa.

Opal, Misty's look-alike sister-wish I knew if Angus or Aubrey was the actual sire:
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That Misty is a very very bad girl. I swear she was set on making you crazy every night I was there....higher and higher she'd go each night. hahahaha Lucy is so cute. I must get pics of my kids to share again since JJ loves t coch'anvers so much. :)
Carly's tiny 6 week old son's comb is finally not quite flat, but it sure took awhile. He turned 6 weeks this past Monday. Molly is still mothering him a bit, but I think she'd be fine if he left for a new home about now. He's getting a bit heavy to sit on her while she's laying her egg, LOL.

Your namesake has decided that since Molly is his woman, that this chick is his kid, and he's become quite the daddy, guarding them all day long. He was holding a piece of bread for the chickster to jump up and eat from his mouth today. Very cute. My DH commented that they were quite the family unit.

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