Dark liquidy poop

Will have to take pic
I don’t smell anything to be honest
Looks dark brown
Appears constant and don’t notice it bubbly
Looks mucous diarrhea like
Will check again and try to send pic
Thinks it’s parasites or something?
He just did this a min ago but it’s not as dark as it has been
But runny and loose. Anything to worry about you think?


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It’s hard to say with just that one dropping. But if it’s mucous and generally dark that doesn’t sound right.

So long as you aren’t feeding any dark foods like strawberries or cherries, Dark brown can indicate bleeding high in the digestive tract, if it’s blood it can be from other things but usually upper digestive tract is suspect.

Most likely it could be coccidia
After that it could be something like some kind of enteritis, usually that’s lower intestine though, you’ll see red or pink in the droppings when that’s present.
Clostridium, giardia, e.coli are possible causes.
Any kind of gut infection will lead to malnutrition. A prior health issue can also lead to a lowered immune system which can cause an infection too.

Worms are a possibility so it won’t hurt to worm them.

With intestinal infections it’s best to get fecal testing and a gram stain to figure out what’s what, I know you’re having trouble finding a vet and that’s out of the question for now so you’ll have to treat yourself as best you can.
Keep in mind though, I’ve been in a tough spot too and treating blindly trying different things over and over until something works can sometimes end up being more expensive.

You can try corid “amprolium” administer it in their water for 5 days and it will treat coccidia if that’s the case. However Corid will NOT work if you give B vitamins at any time during the treatment. Corid works by starving the coccidia of their ability to absorb B vitamins, so goving B vitamins at any time during treatment just makes it all pointless.

Another thing to try is SMZ TMP, https://okiedogsupply.com/fish-smz-tmp-30ct/
also called Tri- Sulfa powder https://birdpalproducts.com/products/trimethoprim-sulfa-powder?_pos=1&_sid=a05784a73&_ss=r
It’s a broad spectrum antibiotic that can treat e.coli, coccidia, giardia, and a number of other things. It will not treat clostridium.
SMZ TMP is pretty safe, you can administer B vitamins during treatment too, however do NOT administer supplements with potassium or foods like banana that are high in potassium during treatment.

If clostridium is the issue Metronidazole (Flagyl) is the antibiotic of choice, it also treats giardia and coccidia bit to a lesser extent.

As for worms, fendbendazole is the best all around wormer, you can get it for goats or as horse paste, fendbendazole actually has some activity against giardia too.

Do you have a scale to weigh the gosling so you know what dosage is appropriate?
Yes I have a scale. I wonder maybe from the few spinach leaves I gave trying to supply vit d3. That’s the only other food I’ve given them otherwise they are on flockraiser crumbles mixed occasionally with duck pellets to increase the niacin intake sprinkled with the nutritional yeast. Doubt it could be the spinach because it was organic and there are 2 goslings that I have inside still. But I could be wrong as usual. I only notice it’s the one with the Angel wing and hip issue. Giving the one the liquid b12 as well.
Yes vet issue is a problem so I will look into those things you listed. I’m not familiar with most of it but will do my research. How would I know what to try first?
Really quick though are you feeding any supplements like Rooster Booster that are high in iron? That will make the droppings dark brown.
No rooster booster but liquid b 12. I have put durvet vit and electrolytes powder in their water a couple of times. Maybe I’m overdoing? Just trying to cover all my bases due to that hip wide stance he has.
No rooster booster but liquid b 12. I have put durvet vit and electrolytes powder in their water a couple of times. Maybe I’m overdoing? Just trying to cover all my bases due to that hip wide stance he has.
I doubt any of that would cause dark droppings, and the spinach and would cause occasional dark green droppings. You could stop giving any vitamins for a day and see if it goes away.

As for what to try first, that’s up to you and what you’re able to do first. Corid you can find at tractor supply, the others have to be ordered but for coccidia SMZ TMP is more effective than Corid and treats more than one thing.

You might try getting rooster booster poultry cell from tractor supply, it has D3 as well as a lot of other vitamins. It tastes pretty strong though so the gosling might not like the taste of it. But stop giving the gosling any of the rooster booster during treatment with either SMZ TMP or Corid.
I doubt any of that would cause dark droppings, and the spinach and would cause occasional dark green droppings. You could stop giving any vitamins for a day and see if it goes away.

As for what to try first, that’s up to you and what you’re able to do first. Corid you can find at tractor supply, the others have to be ordered but for coccidia SMZ TMP is more effective than Corid and treats more than one thing.

You might try getting rooster booster poultry cell from tractor supply, it has D3 as well as a lot of other vitamins. It tastes pretty strong though so the gosling might not like the taste of it. But stop giving the gosling any of the rooster booster during treatment with either SMZ TMP or Corid.
Ok thank you!

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