Dark Pied or Split to White?


BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 24, 2012
The Golden State
Question for you color experts...

I just noticed that two of my IB boys have small quarter sized patches of white under their wings. Of course they have white flights, and one has a white patch on it's throat, so what do the white patches under the wings mean?
@KsKingBee , @Midnightman14 , @barkerg , @WestKnollAmy , @AugeredIn, @Birdrain92
Can you post a picture please? The only thing I can think of is a Pied bird but doesn't show much White on them. Not a true Dark Pied since Dark Pied requires two Pied alleles, but a true Pied but not much white.
@Birdrain92 is correct a dark pied bird carries 2ea pied genes and are incapable of producing white birds. The only way to know for sure if its a DP is to either know the exact breeding info or wait until they are breeding age and then you breed the suspected bird to a white bird and you should receive all loud pied offspring. The term Dark Pied is incorrectly used to identify birds that are split pied or white and they show a little white in the flights, throat latches etc... i agree with @KsKingBee it is likely split to white or pied,.

Gerald Barker
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