Darkest Brown Egg Layers

Yes, it must be the same one. I can't imagine there would be two Marans/Welsumer breeders in WV whose dads also raise Penedesencas, LOL!

I'm planning to wait until the spring to get some from him, so I can try to time getting some hatching eggs from several sources at once. (I'd also like to get some more Wheaten Ameraucana hatching eggs from another breeder... goodness, the two I hatched from him this past year are the friendliest, most loving birds I have!)

I do like to see variety in the carton. It seems there's another dark egg layer, though, that hasn't been mentioned. What is it? Oh, yes! Barnevelders. I don't know anything about them, though, aside from what's on Henderson's chart. Does anyone have any Barnevelder egg pictures to show?
Hi Hawkster, I found my way here, thanks for your help. WOW those pics made my jaw drop! I've never seen such beautiful dark eggs. Now I have a whole new goal and something to look foreword to. That would sound really pitiful to most people ha-ha, but after reading some of the posts I think people here will understand what I mean.

If anyone knows of breeders of any of the dark egg layers that are close to Wisconsin or who can ship safely please let me know. I've only found Cuckoo Marans at the Murray McMurray so far. I’m so excited!! Thanks, again


I'll keep an eye out on postings for you. I check the Madison Craigslist Farm and Garden section besides MWT. There are different areas on Craigslist depending on where you are in the state.

There is a Cheesehead thread under another section too, so you might wanna pop in and say hi there.
I really liked them Welly eggs, mine lay a spotted egg. My Marans will start out dark, then get lighter as they lay. BUT my black Penedesenca lay nice dark eggs all year long, when they lay, they are NOT very good layers. I have pics, but I dont know how to upload them on here. Thanks....ed in Portland, IN.
Ed--I've found that the easiest way to post pictures (for me, anyway) is through a free web service. I use photobucket . It's easy. Creat an account, then upload the pics from your computer to photobucket (click "browse", find the pics on your computer, click "upload"). Each picture will get its on special address on the web...click and copy the "img" tag underneath the picture, and paste it into your message. That's it! I'm sure there are other ways but that's what I do, works for me.

We like pictures here.
Now we're all gonna need to see pics of those penedesenca eggs!!
Hi all. I have a question. What are the yolks like with the dark brown eggs? In my experience, brown egg yolks always look darker and "richer". Are the yolks any different with the Marans, Welsummers, or Penedescas?
Thanks, Ann
Crunchie.....I am trying very hard to find someone with cuckoo maran bantams but it is not an easy thing to find. Would you think about selling me a few (3) cuckoo eggs in early Feb?

Edited to say: Nevermind.....Found some and cant wait til February!!!!!!!!
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You guys are killing me!! I WANT SOME!! I have a coop that will hold 16 heavy breeds and I have 14 mostly light breeds in there. I could add more, but DH says no.
I have to wait 2 years to when I replace these before I can add more he says.
HA! we'll see about that.

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