Darn that chicken math!


8 Years
Jan 15, 2012
SW Idaho
We've already got 7 girls of various lineage and wanted to add 1 or two more. Ended up coming home with 4 four week old pullets. Oh well more comedic relief:)
Two Rhode island reds (Darrell and Daryl), a Dominique (Larry) and an ee named jack two to replace a not too bright welsummer who tried to eat a light bulb and failed to digest it (pulled a klinger from mash)
My parents said i wasn't allowed to have chickens. So i hatched one behind their backs. 1 turned to 4. Now i have 30. I don't know what happened.
Two Rhode island reds (Darrell and Daryl), a Dominique (Larry) and an ee named jack two to replace a not too bright welsummer who tried to eat a light bulb and failed to digest it (pulled a klinger from mash)

Ouch. I don't think glass digests well.

I see you are not only a MASH fan, but a Newhart fan as well. "Hi, I'm Larry, and this is my brother Darryl and my other brother Darryl."
Yeah the chicken math is funny business. We started out wanting 5 or 6 but now we have 13 chickens and 14 chicks and more ordered for next week. Now we are building a new coop so that means we will have room for more, yep its gonna keep going.
That chicken math will get you every time! I started wanting a half dozen or so layers and now have 6 Black Sexlinks, 6 Red Sexlinks, 4 Lt. Brahmas, 6 Dominques, 5 RIRs, 3 Bard Rocks for a total of 30 standard breed! Oh , and I have 2 BB Reds, 2 Self Blues and 3 Barred Old English Bantams! Yep, goota love the chicken math! Oh oops, I forgot about the 7 RIR chicks, 2 BB Red chicks, 1 BLRW chick and1 Dominique chick! Whew! Good thing I have a tolerant hubby!

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