Sure enough I didn’t feel like sitting still :lau :oops: watched about half the movie and left lol it’s not a bad movie at all, it’s actually great, but I just saw it the other day. I just thought I wanted to see it again lol but I spent about $2.10 total between everything with my points and membership and I did enjoy the half I saw and the snacks so not really a loss.
Maybe you need a date to go with you?
Aww what’s up with your geese? Sorry if I missed anything :oops: I’m good too, thanks.
They're fine, but it's the beginning of breeding season (breeding season here runs from about Feb-July) and I have one female who always starts laying around Mid-Late Feb every year. The mud situation in my run is horrid right now so that's the next big thing we're gonna be fixing (hopefully soonish) besides the obvious floor bits in the older coop and the fencing panels that need to be baby proofed.
They're fine, but it's the beginning of breeding season (breeding season here runs from about Feb-July) and I have one female who always starts laying around Mid-Late Feb every year. The mud situation in my run is horrid right now so that's the next big thing we're gonna be fixing (hopefully soonish) besides the obvious floor bits in the older coop and the fencing panels that need to be baby proofed.
Ahh okay that makes sense! Sounds like a lot of work and a lot of mess hahah hopefully you can get everything all fixed up soon.
Ahh okay that makes sense! Sounds like a lot of work and a lot of mess hahah hopefully you can get everything all fixed up soon.
Yeah it can be, geese are great but man can they be demanding and obnoxious. Thankfully all I have to do for the one pen to baby proof it is make sure there's no gaps that the little buggers can slip through when they're itty bitty. Aka taking hardware cloth and running it all along the panels of the fence to make sure they can't get through. (Since I'm using chain link kennel pannels for my main fencing)

The other coop is gonna be a bit more work since there are literal holes in the floor and gaps between the wall panels that I need to fix up. (It's older and was the first time myself or my ex were attempting to build a chicken coop... where's that tony stark gif...)

iron man marvel GIF
Yeah it can be, geese are great but man can they be demanding and obnoxious. Thankfully all I have to do for the one pen to baby proof it is make sure there's no gaps that the little buggers can slip through when they're itty bitty. Aka taking hardware cloth and running it all along the panels of the fence to make sure they can't get through. (Since I'm using chain link kennel pannels for my main fencing)

The other coop is gonna be a bit more work since there are literal holes in the floor and gaps between the wall panels that I need to fix up. (It's older and was the first time myself or my ex were attempting to build a chicken coop... where's that tony stark gif...)

iron man marvel GIF
Oh gosh good luck with everything! I’m sure it’s functional at least ❤️

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