Popcorn is so not a big deal for me. And i don't drink soda usually anymore either. But after the hour drive getting there i was like.. eh. It'll probably be another 4 or 5 years before I go to a theater. So I guess I'll fork out the dough. They had for a couple dollars more * gourmet popcorn* I do like Caramel popcorn. I thought What's a couple more bucks if i'm going to pay that much for popcorn I was imagining some kind of really yummy warm fresh caramel sauce Poured over my popcorn.

So I order it and This little dweeb that was taking my order Hands me my cup and says I will be right back with that popcorn.

Well I stood there for like at least five minutes he disappeared in the back.

He comes back finally with one of those silver bags like you get at christmas time in a popcorn tin tucked under his arm like he was hiding it. He takes it clear down to the other end of the counter and dumps in a bucket and brings it to me finially like that was something real special. 🤣🤣🤣
What a rip off.
OMG that’s ridiculous!!! I would have been so mad lol
I do not even know what movies will be in theaters. I am really starting to dislike watching any form of television again. The last time I got this meh about movies, I went 11 years without a TV. 😂
We went 3 years one time without any pay TV. We watched whatever would come in over the antenna. It really drives you toward your hobbies. It’s been many years ago. The kids were little.
Granted I mostly like Crystal Geyser cause it’s 2 for $1 at Market Basket for the sport bottles but still. It’s good tasting water. I would spend more for something else if it wasn’t lol I used to be strictly Poland Springs or tap water lol

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