Day 19 A Pip!


16 Years
Jan 11, 2007
I just checked the bator after a bit of cheeping and There it was....A Pip at day 19.
Could I be early? Or is it normal to have a pip on day 19. This is my first attempt at hatching. This really is nerve racking, but so exciting.

After recalculating. I have figured that I did not count the first day as day 1. Therefore I am dead on. Day 21 as of today 4/13/07
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Oh, I have every idea of what you mean. Day 21 for me, two chicks hatched so far (when I swore noone would hatch because of a temp spike!), one little bitty pip!

Hm... It could happen on day 19, if the temp was too high for some time. Any activity? Or just a single pip? (I had one that pipped before 3;30 am, but didn't hatch till 3:30/4:00)
Sometimes they are in a big rush but are no where near ready to be out in the world. My last day 19 I left for two days. At that point the others were hatching but since that peep was in such a huge hurry it ended up stuck and I had to help it out.
Hey Mudhen! The incubator has worked flawlessly.

One Ameraucana has hatched! 5 more eggs have pipped! A couple Silver Laced Wyandottes have pipped. I set 25 eggs. This is ,as you know, my first attempt at hatching, so I am not experienced at candling. I have kept all of the eggs in the incubator, just in case. I didn't want to toss any based on a guess.
I'm not getting much sleep, thats for sure!

Hatched: 3 Ameraucana
Pipped: 3 Ameraucana
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Foghorn.....woohoo! Thats great!! Can you get pics? Im so eggsited for you. Mine are only on day 7. Ohhhh, the waite is hard....14 days to go! I candled about 5 of the 27....all well on the egg front! LOL Now...waiting..

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