Day 21 Humidity ???? Need Help ASAP!!


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Erda, UT
I have 3 silkie eggs in lockdown, today is day 21, I have 1 pip. My humidity is running at 50% is that high enough or do I need to add water???
Add a little. I've had membranes get dry and tough after pipping at 60%, so I keep it above there during hatching.
i have silkies in my bator and am in lock down as well if you have a pip then DON"T open it the humidity should shoot up as they start to hatch my humidity runs from 50 -60% right now its 57% Umm im not sure bout adding water now tht one has pipped hopefully some more seasoned hatchers will see this and give their thots GOOD LUCK!!
you can go ahead and add water (just make sure it is around 100 in temp) then the incubator will not have to warm it up. I have watched many chickens, ducks and geese hatch out from under the mom and believe me they DO NOT stay sitting down during hatch. Our geese stand up all of the time and talk and fiddle with the eggs. So you opening the incubator a crack for the 5 seconds it takes to add warm water is not going to amount to you not having them hatch.
I rigged up a tube to run into the wells where the water is.....people have talked about a water bottle with the top that would attach to the tube (I bought aquarium tubing) can add water that way without opening the incubator. Or you can wet a sponge and slap it in there quickly.....warm water. But you do need to bring the humidity up. And it will come up as they hatch out but not til then.
I am weird, and couldn't control my syringe when I used it for adding water via tube, so I put warm water in my mouth and let it siphon into the trays on the bottom of the incubator. Has worked thus far...
did you open the bator or did you put the tubing through one of the plug openings at the top?

hehehe umm no comment bout "I'm weird and couldn't control my syringe when used for adding water"
That made me giggle out loud!! Just sayin.....
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