Day 23, last egg still alive but hasn't pipped internally. Any advice?


Feb 14, 2022
Hey guys, looking for advice.
I set 23 eggs on December 28th. Today is day 23, 18 eggs hatched between day 21 & 22, I candled the remaining 5 for signs of life and sadly lost 4 after lockdown BUT...I still have 1 remaining olive egger that is clinging on, It was very hard to see, but I definitely know the chick is still alive. But it's barely moving, and obviously for good reason, it has no room. It still has not yet internally pipped.
All eggs were set the same day and my eggs were black copper maran and olive eggers and I know their shell is extremely hard to pip. So as always I ran my temp at 99.5 humidity at 50 and at lockdown 65% I always have a great hatch rate with this.
My question is how long do I let him sit and what if he doesn't pip, I will always step in to assist a chick that could otherwise die and have several times and never had a fatality. But this is new to me, should I let him sit and continue to candle him for signs of life and internal pipping?

Open to any suggestions but greatly appreciate advice from those who have actually experienced this. The egg in question is an olive egger/Ayem cemani cross and the others identical to had a more difficult time hatching but definitely didn't take this long. Here's the egg and it's hatch mates.
Thanks y'all.


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Awe! Look @ all the babies! Congrats on your feather babies. I would figure out a place close to edge of the air sack what is remaining anyway) and start chipping away (just a tiny tiny bit like pencil eraser size) and go from there and assist. It could be shrink wrapping (even though the others made it out okay opening the incubator to remove the others cold have altered the humidity enough that its keeping this baby from getting out. Good luck. Hopefully it's still okay
If there is no external pip there will be no shrink wrap
He could be in the wrong position
Have you looked under the egg for a pip ? Or check the egg for any bruising in case he is trying to pip outside the air cell
Trying to assist any baby that has not made any sign to hatch themselves is way to risky
I myself would never touch an egg that has not made some kind of attempt
You could open the air cell end and find a yolk sac as baby could be backwards
Did you move your eggs Around the bator as sometimes bators have a cool area and this castes babies to hatch a little later
If there is no external pip there will be no shrink wrap
He could be in the wrong position
Have you looked under the egg for a pip ? Or check the egg for any bruising in case he is trying to pip outside the air cell
Trying to assist any baby that has not made any sign to hatch themselves is way to risky
I myself would never touch an egg that has not made some kind of attempt
You could open the air cell end and find a yolk sac as baby could be backwards
Did you move your eggs Around the bator as sometimes bators have a cool area and this castes babies to hatch a little later
We had 2 sets of silkie eggs shrink wrap (6+ years ago) it was our first go with incubating, we monitored everything, thought we did everything right (could hear cheaping inside @ like day 19) none of them hatched (or pipped externally) we ended up waiting till after day 21 to open and everyone was shrink wrapped (and we had humidity levels and temps just right) membrane was completely dry and sucked up around everyone of them. We cried big tears. It was so sad.
Since then we have used (or my daughter has) the dry hatching method and not had an issue when hatch day comes. If we have any eggs that strugglen we do assist just slightly. But @ 23 days (and everyone else has hatched) you could be saving it's life. Ultimately it's your call. Watch a couple videos online of assisted hatching aren't sure. Make.sure you have something like a dental pick. It helps get the shell w/o ripping the membrane. If you find it is alive, but the membrane is dry (place a little water on the membrane (like dot to soften it).
We had 2 sets of silkie eggs shrink wrap (6+ years ago) it was our first go with incubating, we monitored everything, thought we sid everything right (could here cheaping inside @ like day 19) none of them hatched (or pipped externally) we ended up waiting till after day 21 to open and everyone was shrink wrapped (and we had humidity levels and temps just right) membrane was completely dry and sucked up around everyone of them.
Since then we have used (or my daughter has) the dry hatching method and not had an issue when hatch day comes. If we have any eggs that strugglen we do assist just slightly. But @ 23 days (and everyone else has hatched) you could be saving it's life. Ultimately it's your call. Watch a couple videos online of assisted hatching aren't sure. Make.sure you have something like a dental pick. It helps get the shell w/o ripping the membrane. If you find it is alive, but the membrane is dry (place a little water on the membrane (like dot to soften it).
Shrink wrap is from cold air and humidity drop hits the open egg. I would think there was something else going on there
I have hatched plenty and I open my bator to pull ducklings out all the time. I have never yet had a single shrink wrap
As for assisting when the bird has made no attempt hatch is not something I would ever attempt nor would I advise others to do so
Some babies hatch later and need the extra time
I run 90-100 % hatch rates
I only help if it’s trying and needs help
Bruising the egg, internal pip but no external pip or making external and no progress
I have assisted plenty and helped many members assist to hatch babies with great results
If there is no external pip there will be no shrink wrap
He could be in the wrong position
Have you looked under the egg for a pip ? Or check the egg for any bruising in case he is trying to pip outside the air cell
Trying to assist any baby that has not made any sign to hatch themselves is way to risky
I myself would never touch an egg that has not made some kind of attempt
You could open the air cell end and find a yolk sac as baby could be backwards
Did you move your eggs Around the bator as sometimes bators have a cool area and this castes babies to hatch a little later
Yes I've looked and there's nothing. I agree it's very risky but I figure it's worth a try to see what everyone else thinks, I heavily rely on everyones input that's how I have gained as much knowledge as I have lol
I am worried he's running out of room and time is ticking I'm thinking he is malpositioned. The movement I see if very slight. I will only assist when I know I have to or he may die. I hate not knowing... And I don't wanna cause more harm than good. Every egg is prescious to me and I hate to think I could have done something to save him. I'm really caught in limbo here guys. 😞
Awe! Look @ all the babies! Congrats on your feather babies. I would figure out a place close to edge of the air sack what is remaining anyway) and start chipping away (just a tiny tiny bit like pencil eraser size) and go from there and assist. It could be shrink wrapping (even though the others made it out okay opening the incubator to remove the others cold have altered the humidity enough that its keeping this baby from getting out. Good luck. Hopefully it's still okay
Thank you, yes this is a special hatch for sure a mixture of our bantams and standard breeds I'm so happy we had a good hatch rate. Next hatch I'm trying dry hatch. This humidity thing is ridiculous.
Shrink wrap is from cold air and humidity drop hits the open egg. I would think there was something else going on there
I have hatched plenty and I open my bator to pull ducklings out all the time. I have never yet had a single shrink wrap
As for assisting when the bird has made no attempt hatch is not something I would ever attempt nor would I advise others to do so
Some babies hatch later and need the extra time
I run 90-100 % hatch rates
I only help if it’s trying and needs help
Bruising the egg, internal pip but no external pip or making external and no progress
I have assisted plenty and helped many members assist to hatch babies with great results
That's the kind of advice I appreciate, and sadly I agree. I was hoping for better but this is what I expected. I'll give him till day 25 and candle again. Fingers crossed and prayers said he pulls through. Thank you.
That's the kind of advice I appreciate, and sadly I agree. I was hoping for better but this is what I expected. I'll give him till day 25 and candle again. Fingers crossed and prayers said he pulls through. Thank you.
What happened with this lagging egg? Dying to know.. such a cliff hanger.

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