Day 28, temp suggestion


In the Brooder
Mar 27, 2019
Hey friends I have a quick question regarding a temperature for day 28.

-Mandarin duck eggs
- Day 28
-Internal pipe - no sign
-External pipe- None
-Little to no sign of movement upon candling
-Float test - all positive and have certain wiggling.

So it's clear that my ducks are alive and well however I am on day 28 and there are still no signs of piping..... That I can see
I also know to reduced the temperature to:
93 for the piping stage
97 near completion of hatching

My question is.... Is 93 an still appropriate temperature since they are obviously delayed in piping OR shall I compromise the temperature at this point to around a 97 degrees until I sure of piping before reducing temp. With the humidity between 60 and 70.

These little guys are a little late is this normal for mandarins
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I too have never heard of anyone lowering their temps. As far as I know, your temp should remain the same throughout the entire hatching process. The only thing that should change is your humidity during lockdown.
Having your temps or humidity too or high or too low for an extended amount of time can delay development. Perhaps your levels have dropped some point maybe during the night and you just have some late developers. As long as you are still seeing signs of life, I would give them a few more days. 28 days is just a roundabout time frame.

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