Day 29 duck egg not pipped yet... help pic included


Aug 1, 2018

My first post here tho I’ve been lurking for a while! I have a duck egg I found next to my bird feeder 29 days ago. Kind of made a make shift incubator and it’s been developing just as shown on a duck egg candling graphic I found online.

Tho I dare say I’ve been pretty good bout keeping it warm and moist- it’s pretty hard to be super consistent in a shoebox. About 4 days ago I moved it to my bath and set it up
With a warm mist humidifier keeping temps as between 92-99 degrees and last 3 days humidity varies 55-80%, no signs of internal pipping yet... should I just be patient and let it play out? I did the water candling yesterday and it was good tho I saw no movement but i also didn’t keep It in the water very long for fear of doing harm... I’m being a nervous Nellie. I could use some advice. Should Air sac dude be up? It’s laying almost horizontal.

Here’s pic from
this morning

Not sure how to delete post I cross posted in the duck forum as it seemed more appropriate ty

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