Day 30-ish, egg gone bad?


May 5, 2018
So, I've had this muscovy egg for about 30days (not really sure how old it is)
This is what it looks like. The yellow thing is the air cell
When not candling it you can see an orange-ish circle around he air cell as well as some grey bleuish spots , a very large oneon the back of the eggs and a small one at the bottom of it
Is it bad? I saw some movement yesterday but its really hard to tell if its stil alive since I dont have a proper candling light and there's this dark mass everywhere.
Also, I could see veins yesterday, I can't today

It is possible that the egg is still good. It's a good sign that you saw veins just yesterday, that might just mean the duckling is absorbing them in preparation to hatch. A good trick is if you can't see movement feel for it. Gently lay the egg horizontally in your palm and hold still, at this stage if the duckling is alive you should be able to feel movement as the duckling pushes up against the egg. Another good trick is putting the egg close up to your ear and listening for a sort of picking noise that indicates the duckling is using its egg tooth to begin its internal pip. I know this advice may seem a little weird, but it's a good way to know what's going on inside the egg without breaking it open. Other than that, all you can really do is wait. If you do see or feel movement and there continues to be no progress you may want to consider poking a whole in the air cell and giving it assistance. Best of luck and I hope everything turns out well. :) :fl
It is possible that the egg is still good. Another good trick is putting the egg close up to your ear and listening for a sort of picking noise that indicates the duckling is using its egg tooth to begin its internal pip.

I don't know if it's me but I can hear some sort of picking noise. There is no movement though, should I makea hole in the air cell? Mabe the humidity was too low and the membrane is too hard?
I don't know if it's me but I can hear some sort of picking noise. There is no movement though, should I makea hole in the air cell? Mabe the humidity was too low and the membrane is too hard?

I would wait a little longer because muscovy eggs typically do take a week longer to incubate, taking a good 4 weeks. Dark spots can indicate bruising from the duckling trying but failing to pip/hatch. If you can see dark spots all around from the outside of the egg that are clearly defining the air cell, that unfortunately is usually an indicator that the duckling has died. Keep me posted. I'll do everything I can to help.
I would wait a little longer because muscovy eggs typically do take a week longer to incubate, taking a good 4 weeks. Dark spots can indicate bruising from the duckling trying but failing to pip/hatch. If you can see dark spots all around from the outside of the egg that are clearly defining the air cell, that unfortunately is usually an indicator that the duckling has died. Keep me posted. I'll do everything I can to help.
Yep that's what happened :/ It died. I don't know why, but at least I tried. the whole egg was a dark spot, except for the air cell, which was becoming kind of yellow with an orange ring.
I can't figure out why and how it died
I'm sorry it didn't make it. But, yes, you at least tried. I've had this happen multiple call duck eggs and every time I try to trace it back to a cause I can't find one. It just like the duckling quit and died in the egg.

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