Day old chick crushed leg injury


In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2021
hi! I’m going to be seeking vet advice but wanted to ask here as well.

SLW cross bred chicks hatched Tuesday night, one of the chicks got their legs stuck in the rotator of the incubator so he’s crushed his leg and cut all circulation to it.

48 hours later the chick is happy, eating, drinking, but not using that leg. the leg is obviously dead and has some fluid seeping from it. It’s still really swollen as well.

Like mentioned above I will be seeking vet advice but sometimes these poultry forums have really valuable advice.

Just wanting to know if this chick would be a candidate for amputation? will it just fall off by itself? Should he be on antibiotics? can a chick live a happy life with one leg?

Thanks in advance!


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How sad. Chickens can live with just one leg and a stump, but bone infection could be a problem at this point. I would use Betadine or chlorhexidene on the wound, and spray with saline or wound spray in between times. Most legs will self amputate in time, but hard to know if it will survive. Did you hatch very many chicks? Have you considered putting it down? This will be a fairly complicated and expensive time if you go with a vet and amputation. When some chicks are born with slipped tendons and leg bone deformities, most will die or be put down eventually. I would take some time and think this through to make a plan, but in the meantime, disinfect the wound, and help it eat and drink. Sorry this happened.

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