days old EE chick lethargic.


6 Years
Mar 23, 2013
Syracuse, NY
Yesterday I went to my local country max store and they had chicks (I have a friend who works there and gave me the heads up on a delivery of chicks with spare EE! )

Yesterday and this morning everyone seemed to be doing fine, I came home from the horse barn and found one of the chicks laying out, I honestly thought it had been squished in one of the bunching piles they do. Picked it up, still breathing. I got it to eat a small amount of plain yogurt off it's beak and got it to drink about .02 ml of water with ACV from a syringe. I have removed it from the flock and have it on my couch, on a thermal shirt with a space heater pointed at it on high.

Will not open eyes, will respond to touch, sometimes peeps at me.


Edit notes: looking at this chicks feet I think that it may have been an early hatcher. The feet are bunched up and do not extend properly when the chick tries to stand.
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