Dead wild bird! What can I do with it?


Would rather be gardening
Aug 28, 2021
Raleigh, North Carolina
I found this unknown wild bird dead in my driveway this afternoon! It was still warm when I found it, which made me wonder if it was unconscious, but it hasn’t moved or breathed since then (just in case, I’ve got it in my bathroom). It doesn’t smell, and I don’t see any sign of injury. I was wondering if there is any way to preserve it? It would be pretty cool to keep a bird. If anyone could identify it also, that would be appreciated.
That looks like a type of finch. If it hasn't moved in a while it is probably dead.

I see you are in NC. I am too!

I don't blame you for wanting to help it. I would probably do the same. It is illegal in NC to take wild birds and keep them.

Wild birds can die from accidents like collisions with windows or other things. They also can get various diseases. If it is dead I would bury it away from when I keep my birds. Also you need to wash your hands well with warm soapy water. Wild birds can also carry lice and mites which can spread to any captive birds you have.

Not trying to scare you but just give you information.
Hmm, that is a conundrum. Since I didn’t find it near anything it could've collided with, it likely died of a disease like you suggested. I definitely washed my hands really well after handling it, but I didn’t think about it having an issue that could be spread to my chickens. I don’t know anything about taxidermy, so it’s probably better if I just dispose of the bird. I was really hoping there was some kind of easy ”freeze dry” option.

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