Death of chicks


May 31, 2021
Why does it hurt to lose chicks that you haven't even had 24 hours. Death happens in farm animals sometimes there is no explanations. You do everything humanly possible and still lose animals . No these aren't my first chicks and yes I have lost chicks before . This one though it hurt me. 😔 It was a tiny mystery bantam from Tractor Supply there was probably something wrong with it to begin with . It was as small as a bobwhite quail chick . I have no explanation other than it failed to thrive . I am a broken hearted 💔
Why does it hurt to lose chicks that you haven't even had 24 hours. Death happens in farm animals sometimes there is no explanations. You do everything humanly possible and still lose animals . No these aren't my first chicks and yes I have lost chicks before . This one though it hurt me. 😔 It was a tiny mystery bantam from Tractor Supply there was probably something wrong with it to begin with . It was as small as a bobwhite quail chick . I have no explanation other than it failed to thrive . I am a broken hearted 💔
I am so sorry ❤️❤️ This is my very first time having chicks and we lost ine newrly immediately upon arriving at home. It brought up so much about when our baby died, my dad dying, and tons of emotions I hadnt really accessed in a long time or at all.

It was nice to feel something. And also sad. I think God gives us a heart full of grieving so we know how special life is.

Even a day old chick is important.
I am so sorry ❤️❤️ This is my very first time having chicks and we lost ine newrly immediately upon arriving at home. It brought up so much about when our baby died, my dad dying, and tons of emotions I hadnt really accessed in a long time or at all.

It was nice to feel something. And also sad. I think God gives us a heart full of grieving so we know how special life is.

Even a day old chick is important.
Yeah its hard to lose chicks . I am sorry for your losses. I have lost 4 relatives in 4 years with 2 passing 7 months apart and now an Aunt is hospice . I think the death of the chick was the breaking point . I have 10 healthy chickens and 2 ducks . Death never gets easier even if it is just a day old chick . I think I would rather hurt from feeling the chicks death than be hard hearted and indifferent to death . It reminds us life is precious and finite
It hurts because the chicks were living beings, full of life -- even if only for a very little time. Life brings the expectation of a future and seeing it taken away should hurt -- it proves you have a heart.

I am very sorry for the loss of the little chick and that you are hurting.
Magpie Duck’s I have never heard of that breed. here is mine and breed info

Image result for magpie duck breed

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The Magpie is a British breed of domestic duck. It has distinctive black and white markings reminiscent of the European magpie, and is a layer of large eggs. Wikipedia
Conservation status: FAO (2007): critical

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