Deep litter method

You can also get a good paper shredder that will take cardboard. Then locate a local business that will let you collect junk mail, paper & cardboard. Shred it and mix it in, too.

I am able to get lots of cardboard and paper from my job. There are also 2 Dollar stores - 1 at each end of the road I live on. I haven't actually asked either one, but every so often, I see their carts w/ bungee cord/straps absolutely FULL of cardboard and always wonder if they'd let me collect it.
I figure the more different types of matter the better. Would that be wrong?
Yes, different materials are good, but some of those need to be bigger and slower to break down, like larger wood chippings and twigs.

Along with the carbon:nitrogen ratio, you need air to get into the mix.

More fragile materials will pack together in the wet and create an environment for anaerobic organisms(stinky). The larger, tougher materials create some air space for a healthier mix.

That's why that guy in the video mixes up the litter daily, to introduce air.
So either mixing regularly to break up 'wet packs' and allow air in...
...or use larger woodier materials.
Question about covered runs......We have a 8x12 coop/run. I use pine shavings for the litter. I've added dry grass clippings and some shredded paper. I am confused if there is something else I should be doing? it' doesn't seem to be breaking down? it's dry under the roof area? should I be doing something else?
Like aart said, add in larger bits of other materials, like from tree trimming services. If you have an area that they can access to dump off a huge truckload, that is ideal. You also want to make sure that your carbon/nitrogen is good. You may not have enough chickens to poop enough (how many chickens do you have?) which means you'll have to add some other wet stuffs like green grass or kitchen scraps to the mix.
I just looked at a photo of your setup. So I'm guessing that your litter is just in the wood coop? With 6 chickens (yes, I saw that too ;)), there should be plenty of poop in there just from them sleeping. Hopefully someone else will chime in. It takes a long time for matter to break down. How long has it been since you started the whole thing?
Like aart said, add in larger bits of other materials, like from tree trimming services. If you have an area that they can access to dump off a huge truckload, that is ideal. You also want to make sure that your carbon/nitrogen is good. You may not have enough chickens to poop enough (how many chickens do you have?) which means you'll have to add some other wet stuffs like green grass or kitchen scraps to the mix.
We have 6 girls. I thought the litter was dry so I thought it was ok but the covered run doesn't smell at all not that I'm complaining but clearly not the ideal DLM going on here??? I'll start raking up the grass clippings and throwing them in there...also anxiously waiting for the leaves to fall so I can add them too. Any other suggestions? And thank you for responding.
I just looked at a photo of your setup. So I'm guessing that your litter is just in the wood coop? With 6 chickens (yes, I saw that too ;)), there should be plenty of poop in there just from them sleeping. Hopefully someone else will chime in. It takes a long time for matter to break down. How long has it been since you started the whole thing?
Coop/run has been up and in use since late May? We added the dog run not long after that so maybe we just don't have enough organic matter LOL
Another question: I'm guessing that they sleep in the upper section of your coop, so that is where a lot of the poop will be. Do you take that poop and transfer it down to the ground where your deep litter is?
Another question: I'm guessing that they sleep in the upper section of your coop, so that is where a lot of the poop will be. Do you take that poop and transfer it down to the ground where your deep litter is?
Yes they sleep on the roosting bar with the poop board so the coop doesn't even get yucky. I clean the poop board about once a week and add that to my compost bin.
I would add it to your deep litter instead. Well...I guess if you add in other green matter instead it probably doesn't matter? Six of one, half dozen of another and all that.

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