Delawares from kathyinmo

Has anyone had leg problems with their birds. I'm inclined to believe that the problems we (Neal and I) have been having are incubation problems rather than genetic because we have experienced several birds now (from a couple of different breeds but mostly delawares ) Its a little hard to diagnose at this point because it seems to crop up at different ages. In general at some point the leg becomes dislocated at the hip apparently and will turn backwards. I think this weakness in the legs is responsible for some bad hatches as well as several chicks not able to stand within a day or two. Some of the later onset ones appear to have splayed leg but traditional treatments dont seem to work. A couple of older birds (under 12 weeks) have also developed leg problems. The older birds with the problems are not delawares. That's why I think it might be incubation related because the birds are unrelated but show similar symptoms. The hybrid (RIRxLeghorn) birds however seem to do this later in development. We have been seeing poor hatch rates from the Delaware eggs but some tinkering with the incubators have resulted in a bit better rate of the delawares hatching in this last round. However one of them appears to be having this same leg problem at about 3 weeks of age. Any thoughts would be helpful.
Sounds like it might be Mareks?
Well I know they arent vaccinated so its a possiblity but it seems to evident at hatching in most chicks so we are thinking its something developmental during hatch for most of them. The 2 older birds under 12 weeks do not exhibit any real loss of control over the foot or leg other than its direction. At first it looked like a blown joint or broken leg Neal put a splint and cast on it but it then began turning out at the hip/knee. (Actually I think the main backward bend in a chicken leg is actually the ankle the knee is up closer to the body and the hip tighter still) they guy just kept on going (we called him swivel foot) as if unimpeded. Another one of the cockerels is also exhibiting a bit trouble with the ankle joint in his leg but nothing like the other one. The first one his ankle seemed to bend the wrong way at first so we thought he broke or blew it out. The other one I noticed this weekend seemed similar but less pronounced. They have some control over the leg and foot but it just doesn't bend correctly. From what Ive seen of mareks the bird loses muscular control over the leg. This looks for all the world like a dislocated joint.
I haven't had any leg problems here.

This year our early hatches were perfect, 100% hatch & survival rate. Then things wend downhill. Our last hatch was AWFUL. Ugh. So depressing I don't even want to describe it so will let the numbers speak for themselves: set 30 eggs under two different broodies on the same night; three weeks later we had two live hatches, only one chick is still with us (several weeks old at this point). The last week of that brood was right during the massive heat waves we've had here this year, so maybe that was the problem.

@caychris ... maybe try adding some nutritional yeast to their feed. If it's a vitamin deficiency, the B12 in that should be a big help. Breeders and chicks ...
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Here is the first Del hatched from Neal's pen she is nearly 21 weeks and looks great except for the additional spotting on the back and a little undersized at this point (id like her to be a little larger but you dont get everything)

Pullet or Cockerel ? 9 wks don't know whats up with the frizzy tail it wasn't like that last week - maybe frayed it running under trailer from the Bear
Sharons chick test says it was Cockerel but I am having second thoughts - she is usually 90% correct.

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