
We had a huge one that roamed our neighborhood for many years. She would visit our Chinese cherry tree every evening. We found her den (?) in our front ditch. She disappeared the year before last, I assume she died.
A few months later, we saw a very small one that had her routine. He has been around for two years and goes to that same tree daily for his snack. He gets a quick pet from my kids and walks right past the chickens munching grass along the way. They are used to him.
Don't worry too much. It wont hurt your chickens or fish

Gopher tortoises are mainly herbivorous. He might munch on some of your plants and may knock over some plants but otherwise, he shouldn't be much harm
I haven't counted lately, but I have at least four active burrows in my pasture. The hens don't care about them at all and we work around them and try not to disturb them too much since they are a "species of special concern."

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