Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

I was reading that the first round at hatch, the second round at 6 weeks. I was also reading another study that suggests even adult birds who've not been vaccinated can be vaccinated, and that there is some indication that vaccinating birds that are starting to show symptoms can stop the symptoms. But THAT is not yet proven, just theory for the moment. Needless to say, for the cost of the vaccine, well for the one, is only 20 bucks. Then there is the other that is 60. Now if only it was just like... use what I need, then put the rest in storage... Till I need it again for another batch.
I was reading that the first round at hatch, the second round at 6 weeks. I was also reading another study that suggests even adult birds who've not been vaccinated can be vaccinated, and that there is some indication that vaccinating birds that are starting to show symptoms can stop the symptoms. But THAT is not yet proven, just theory for the moment. Needless to say, for the cost of the vaccine, well for the one, is only 20 bucks. Then there is the other that is 60. Now if only it was just like... use what I need, then put the rest in storage... Till I need it again for another batch.

Yes, the more I research the more it seems that the vaccine still seems MOST effective when inoculation occurs at >24 hours old, but that vaccinating at any time seems to be more beneficial than anything.
I think with shipping cost me close to $40 for the vaccine and a few syringes.

Compared to the vet bills Trousers had and the heartbreak....

Anyhow, I am doing all that I know to give the new birds the best possible chance.
Do you vaccinate the chicks in the neck NovaAman ? Because that is how the hatchery does it to one day old chicks and glad that the vaccinations are working.
Hope ya'll won't mind, but shortly, I am going to post a few pics of my rotten new batch of faverolles. They range in color on the salmon spectrum, including very light, and some with black. Only a few turned out PERFECT. AND I have a bantam girl! She's a trip. She'll run right up to me, let me pick her up, then pitch a fit, so I open my hand to let her jump down, and she sits down instead. LOL. I am starting to get confused on who is who, and I need to start considering names. I was considering selling a few earlier this year, but now I am not going to be able to do that. They're lifers here. LOL. Fuzzy faced fluffy butts all over!
The very kind lady that adopted Trousers to me and is now raising chicks for me from his line wrote me! It looks as if all three black baby cochin chicks are GIRLS! Of course cochins mature more slowly, but they do appear to be pullets. Only time will tell... But, one egg from her cochins hatched at the same time as the three black chicks. It has a broody silkie surrogate mother. It's blue, and it look slike a roo! So we may end up with a blue cochin roo. Stay tuned... Photo of the little guy. Sure looks like a cockeral doesn't he? The black silkie is his "sister". He's five and a half weeks old, now. Photos courtesy of Cheryl, who is raising him!
OOOOH, he sure does look like a little boy to me too AND he is adorable!........:yesss: :love

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