Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

I think Nambroth still has all the photos on her home computer.  It's just that when she started this thread she didn't upload her photos directly to the BYC site - she used a server to host them.  Then the server had a problem, fried all her photos and they no longer show in the posts.  It's not possible to edit older posts, so she can't go back and add the photos again.

Don't worry - the photos haven't disappeared off the face of the planet - they are in Nambroth's safe guardianship, just waiting for that wonderous day when she finds enough time in her schedule to write the Derp book!

Okay thank you! That makes sense.
I still have all the photos I just can't edit posts that old to put them back in. Thank you everyone! Someday when I have time I will make a "memories" post with those old missing photos, so you can see them again (since it will be at least a year till I have time to make a book).
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I have a Derp, but she is a he. His name is Herbert and he runs around our yard like someone is chasing him, in circles, then comes to a complete halt and looks into space almost deflated. Love your stories! Thank you for sharing:)
How long before Derp has all her feathers? My little Derp "Shrimp" is still not fully feathered and doesn't even have feathered feet...she definitely "unique"
How long before Derp has all her feathers? My little Derp "Shrimp" is still not fully feathered and doesn't even have feathered feet...she definitely "unique"
Derperella will have to wait until after her next molt (probably in the fall) to grow back her beard feathers like in this earlier pullet photo. And hopefully no other members of the flock will be tempted to "trim" her beard with a thorough peck and preen.

I suspect Derp does not mind going beardless for the summer.
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Derperella will have to wait until after her next molt (probably in the fall) to grow back her beard feathers like in this earlier pullet photo. And hopefully no other members of the flock will be tempted to "trim" her beard with a thorough peck and preen.

I suspect Derp does not mind going beardless for the summer.

That's correct! If she is going to grow them back, it is most likely to happen after her fall molt, which seems to occur around October most years.

I suspect that Derp does not mind a lot of things that would bother other chickens. Sometimes I wish I could have a more Derpy attitude to life!

I have to say that she doesn't seem to notice or mind at all! In fact, she makes quite a show of preening her beard. Even though it is not there. She preens the air where it would be....

Knowing Derp, she probably enjoys having her beard plucked out, feather by feather - ouch!!

Honestly I think she did enjoy it!! I saw it happening once, and she just looked spaced out and happy... the way one hen will look when another cleans her beak off.
all things considered, ya gotta love Derp
Nambroth, so sorry to hear of sweet Coho's passing & a family member too. The past winter was just brutal to humans and animals. I ended up losing 4 hens, i had never lost a hen in the winter time before, i began dreading going out to the coop first.
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying some summer weather! (Finally)

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