Devastated, lost my entire flock in one night.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 31, 2011
I have an enclosed pen, wire nailed to posts buried a foot underground, walls are about six feet high and deer netting over the top. Last night something went through the top of the pen, killed all 12 of my chickens. None were missing or eaten. They were all attacked on their heads and necks. It's like something came in through the netting six feet off the ground massacred all 12 then left back out the netting on top.Just killing for the fun of it. Any ideas on what it could have been?
If the deer netting was in no way pushed around/damaged, then I'd also guess weasel/mink.

Sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss. Even though they are all dead you should set traps.I always keep a few set around the yard.
it was a weasel i think, so sorry about losing everyone!!
I have been told weasel, mink, even 'possums will strip their necks or eat their heads off. I am so sorry for your losing them. Don't give up.
Weasels kill just like that. Once the get excited they will kill over and over again. They also sometimes pile the birds up. They are blood thirsty sorry for your loss. A night like that can be devistating.
Wow. So sorry. I've been upset the last 3 days because a bobcat killed one of my chickens while they were free ranging. I don't know what I would do if it was all of them. Are you going to get more? I have a wood roof on the coop and hardware cloth on the run. Good luck.

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