
I'm sorry about Buttercup, Our BR, patches, is our fav also. I hope she comes back to you.
I'm so sorry Lothiriel. Don't loose hope.
Hopefully she will come back.
Maybe she'll come back with a small brood of chicks1 My aunts hens do that alot. Don't louse hope.
Thanks, all. I would realy like it if she did come home with a bunch of chicks... but I'm being pessimistic and believing that she's dead. Though I have a strange feeling that she's not. I keep wishing that I'll go out to check for eggs and see Buttercup standing on the step outside the coop waiting to be let in.
So far she's not been there. Thank you all for your support.
I'm really sorry. I hope Buttercup is alright.

Hawks are such a worry. First thing I saw when I went outside this morning was a hawk - tried to get it to leave and it just stared at me, majestic, not the least bit motivated to go anywhere. I left my feathered friends in for several hours and then let them out and watched them like a hawk. But there are always those short spells where I can't stand over them even when home, and yet cooped up in the run for too long they go mad, hen bawking to beat the band to get out.

I hope somehow your Buttercup comes home. I'm sure you searched the area in case she's injured somewhere....
Well, I found her. Her body anyways. The hawk took out the side of her neck. I am not surprised, though. But it's still devastating.
We found her today because the snow melted. it snowed right after she disappeared.
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i'm so sorry!!! i can tell what a wonderful hen she was from your poem. all of my condolences, and i hope the rest of the flock can provide some comfort, at least they are safe.

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