Deworming chickens. Products?


Feb 1, 2023
My hen might possibly have worms and I want to know is there any recommended deworming methods/medication that’s affordable? She’s been so sluggish and uninterested in food it’s making me so worried!
Have you seen signs of worms in her poop or on her anus? Not seeing worms doesn't mean she doesn't have them, but a sluggish, non-eating chicken could have something else wrong.

If you want to worm her, most folks use Safeguard. Read post #2 and #4 on this thread for dosing.

Have her poops been normal? What do you feed her? Just curious in case it could be a vitamin deficiency issue. Does her crop seem normal and empty in the morning?
Could she be starting to molt?
Is she laying eggs normally despite being sluggish?

You could try wetting her food to make a mash as most chicks/chickens like that. Also, scrambled eggs she probably would devour too.
Have you seen signs of worms in her poop or on her anus? Not seeing worms doesn't mean she doesn't have them, but a sluggish, non-eating chicken could have something else wrong.

If you want to worm her, most folks use Safeguard. Read post #2 and #4 on this thread for dosing.

Have her poops been normal? What do you feed her? Just curious in case it could be a vitamin deficiency issue. Does her crop seem normal and empty in the morning?
Could she be starting to molt?
Is she laying eggs normally despite being sluggish?

You could try wetting her food to make a mash as most chicks/chickens like that. Also, scrambled eggs she probably would devour too.
The only reason I suspect worms is because she’s had really runny poop and has ongoing poopy butt and I even trimmed it up but it seems to be coming back. She also stopped laying eggs completely but she’s also 3 years old so I can’t confidently say that’s remotely connected. I also feed my entire flock 16% layer feed and yes her crop is empty in the morning but usually she eats quite a lot and by the end of the day it’s nice and full of food but now by the end of the day all she really drinks is water and eat very little of her feed

I also always wet my food so they don’t knock the food out of the container but she seems just so disinterested in the feed I’ve been giving my entire flock since she was a baby but whenever I give her treats she has no issue eating it so I’m confused? But she’s still acting weird and not doing her everyday things like she usually runs into the feed shed with her sister but she kinda just stands around and scratches at the ground now
Sounds like it's a gastrointestinal issue, whether she has a worm load, which is the first thing I would suspect, since it has been ongoing poopy butt. Follow above dosing advice, sooner than later. I lost a hen from worm overload.
After you worm her, give probiotics. That will help with her digestive system, improve gut flora, and help with the poopy butt if it's still ongoing after that.

Sugarfree Greek yogurt and buttermilk are good. There are also powders like Hydro-Hen, Save-a-Chick, etc. that can be put in water. I'd give her a little of something every day for a a couple of weeks.

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