dh gets extra points today!

Queen of the Lilliputians

12 Years
Apr 5, 2007
So.. I'm excited so I thought I'd tell you all.

My husband fluctuates between "we have plenty of chickens already!" and "do what you want honey, a few more would be ok." Weeeelll, we were talking last night, and he said I could get as many as I wanted.. that it was completely up to me. I asked him what we would do if the henhouse got to small, and he ACTUALLY VOLUNTEERED to make it bigger or to build ANOTHER coop!! LOL!

So.. of course.. in all this excitement I've placed my first e-bay bids for eggs, and dh has found an incubator for me. Does that rock or what?? (P.S. It'll be my first time, so my hopes aren't very high for a great hatch. I'm sticking to bidding on the inexpensive birds! ) WOOHOO!

And then I'm forced to realize WHAT TIME OF YEAR IT IS, and to wonder if I'll be brooding chicks in the house for the next 6 mos.. :eek: All part of the fun!

I was just thinking that exact thought,,,what will you do with them all winter! Leaves are falling like crazy here today,,,it really is time to start getting prepared. Then we go and have the hot weather we had last week and that thought gets forgotton!
If you have a place in your house to keep them until they are big enough go for it and good luck.
That's wonderful! I have a fantastic DH who builds whatever I want and always helps me care for the birds, even though he says they are MY project, LOL. Not if he eats the eggs, right? I'm incubating a few right now so they'll be laying by early spring. If you dont have too many, it's not awful to have them in the house for awhile.
Dont trust him, its a guy thing he WANTS something in return. You know the way men can be.

aint that the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My DH got extra points today too.... I finally get to get the two ducks I have been wanting that he had a FIRM NO too... But today he came around and said I could have them... I just hope Ms. Prissy still has them!!!!!!!!!!! BUT... it is costing me a FULL BODY MASSAGE with the EXPENSIVE OIL!!!!!!! LOL.... oh well... the duckies will be worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad you get to have more babies.... but honestly hunny... I would not be getting eggs from ebay.... if I were you.... I would be getting eggs from members of BYC!!! Just from seeing other members experiance and the problems that they had with ebay members. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!​
I just received my order from eggbid.com. No guarantee what the hatch rate will be but the seller was great, threw in an extra dozen, packed like the Hope Diamond and really worked with me.

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