DH is being operated on on Tuesday...UPDATE!!! last page


Flock Goddess
13 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Weymouth, Massachusetts
On Tuesday the 22nd, Ernie's getting his hip replaced...he put it off for 4 years because he saw a museum exhibit where it was being done...
I am now a nervous wreck...

I have had no premonitions or visions, but I would like my BYC buddies to say some prayers for him...This is only the second time he's ever been in the hospital...The first time it was his tonsils...

He has to be there for 9:30, but the actual operation doesn't start until 11:30. It's supposed to go for a couple of hours. Then he's off to recovery for a couple of hours, then in the late afternoon, I might be able to get in to see him...sigh...
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Ernie certainly has my best wishes for a speedy recovery... and you do, too, to be able to deal with his surgery and subsequent recovery period. It's hard on both the patient and the family when someone has this type surgery. Hope he sails through it with flying colors!
Hip replacement surgery has become high tech in recent years. My neighbour got squished by a cow in a chute & had the operation last year. He's out dancing with the ladies on friday nights now, & he's in his 60's.

The MOST important thing is to follow the doc's rehab advice on exercise, and what you can & cannot do till you are healed.

I wish your Hubby a speedy recovery SC.
In 9 years of business i have had many customers have that surgery. It is unreal how fast they recover. The modern ways are so amazing. I have a 94 yr old customer who had BOTH replaced in the last 6 yrs and he has not slowed down a bit. He walks himself right into my shop! I'm telling you.......try to relax!!!!! I know it will all be fine!!!!! Best wished to you both

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