Diagnosing my Flock

Hello. I need help diagnosing what's wrong with my flock. I have 21 chickens of laying age, from 6 and a half months to 2 and a half years old. Buffs, Australorps, Easter Eggers, Marans, Polish, Wyandottes. I treated for scaly leg mites in Mid August with Ivermectin. In the last two weeks, not a single egg, before than, since the treatment, like one green egg every few days. Only one (Australorp) is molting. I noticed tonight that all of them, even what were my best layers, have light pink combs, not red. I think there is something wrong with the whole flock, just don't know what.

Where do I start with diagnosing? All flock feed, like always. Fresh water. Run is not cramped, coop only overcrowded by maybe 3 chickens. Plenty of roost space. Usually free range half the day. 2 roosters to 27 hens (6 are still chicks).

I don't think anything wrong growing hens or pullet have light pink Combs but as far as good health is concerned you should check the Poop , see if eye nose are clear

And add some apple.cider vinegar in water give plenty of Vitamin rich diet & probiotics

Also if u think there's need of some boost in immunity you can add some clove or garlic in their waterer for once a week

Add some 0.1% turmuric in feed
Some weekly orgegano oil in water

Once a week yoghurt
& Good quality of calcium

U can buy a multi immune booster that contains vitamins and probiotics .

Above all things are use to have good health chickens with good layers
No, I have searched the run. They don't go to free range until about 4pm, and recently not at all.
Chances are it's just fall/winter....eggs are a seasonal food, unless you use supplemental lighting, and even then you'll see a slow down.

As long as they are eating drinking pooping and moving around OK, there's nothing to be done.

All the herbs and spices and snake oils in the world are not going to all of sudden make your birds pop out eggs.

Keep them on a good basic diet with plain water.... and ....wait.

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